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Monday, November 30, 2015

Obama’s EPA ignores congressional mandate for ethanol in gasoline

The Obama administration on Monday raised the amount of ethanol and other renewable fuels that must be blended into the nation’s gas supply, but the highly anticipated rules still fall far short of congressional mandates and raise new questions about the viability of the controversial Renewable Fuel Standard moving forward.

The Environmental Protection Agency said Monday that 18.11 billion gallons of renewable fuels must be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply in 2016, significantly above the 17.4 billion gallons initially proposed in May.

But that figure is far below the 22.3 billion-gallon target initially laid out by Congress in 2007 legislation.

EPA officials acknowledge their proposal is far below what Congress envisioned nearly a decade ago.



  1. Of course, the idiot doesn't even have a driver's license.

  2. For goodness sake LOCK THIS CLOWN UP!!!!

  3. This will only cause damage to systems not designed for alcohol gasoline mixes and further hurt the poor which can not afford the new equipment that is set up for it!

  4. 4:22 thank you, so very true

  5. Nononononononono ad infinitum.

  6. The republicans are in charge of the house and senate and obviously doing nothing,this is why career politicians have to go.

  7. the EPA is corrupt and whoever decided food should be burned for fuel is evil

  8. e85 fuel is great...it has a higher octane than even 93 pump gas. Why do you think alot of high compression builds swap their fuel systems to it. Do some research.

  9. 8:34 It isn't so great when your car's hoses, gaskets and so on, aren't designed for it. And very few modern engine control modules (aka PCU or ECU) are programmed to meter fuel with such a high ethanol content.

    I have an aftermarket alcohol injection system in my car, so if the computer detects knocking (aka detonation), it injects a fine spray of alcohol to boost the octane briefly. I don't want to be running gasoline with a significant amount of alcohol in it already.

  10. Congressional mandate was nothing but political pandering to a large special interest group, i.e. corporate farming. It has caused nothing but problems. Marine and small engines have all been damaged by the ethanol products, and automobile fuel efficiency has been diminished by its use. The mandate should be ignored, better yet, repealed. It benefits no one but the farming industry.


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