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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Obama to Sign Order Forcing Government to Hire Convicts

Ever in search of benefits to hand leftist constituencies, Democrats have decided to give goodies to their most natural constituency of all: criminals. According to the Associated Press, President Obama will announce executive orders Monday attempting to prevent screening for prior criminality in government hiring.

The so-called “ban the box” program would prevent government agencies from asking about criminal history until later in the interview process. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Vermont Senator
Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Loonbag), and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley have all joined Obama in calling for banning “the box” – meaning the check box for criminal conviction. Obama also wants to prevent public housing from hindering the ability for convicted criminals to gain access to subsidies.

So, in short, we all get to hire unhireable employees with criminal backgrounds, and subsidize those who wouldn’t be able to find housing because they have committed crimes.



  1. Just what we need, more proven dishonest people being paid with tax dollars! And they'll all vote dumbocrat! The first thing we need to do after we win back the presidency is to make every non-military government employee re-apply for their jobs at the current civilian industry salary with the actual qualifications (including the criminal background check) tested.

    Reduce welfare and food stamps to work-based assistance programs (for the healthy). The ones that can work and don't can starve. The ones that can work should find that picking crops will be a better paying living - now you don't need the illegal aliens any more!

    1. Since the Clinton administration, this government have incarcerated more citizens than any nation in the world in prisons, detention center and jails. They have given prisoners, inmates, detainees three meals and a cot. Free access to computers / internet, TV, recreation, library, religion, etc, a GED and a college education. All paid for by the working middle class tax paying citizen. This government has allowed illegal immigrants entrance into the United States. Their purpose is to pick up the slack on slave labor type jobs they knew no American would do. While the poor continue working these low to minimum wage earning jobs in keeping with dependency on government assistance. And, allowing students to borrow, beg or maybe steal for their college education through students loans for their degree. But we all know, unpaid loans led to bad credit ratings. Bad credit ratings leds to no federal governmemt jobs unless one know the right people. The past and present government would rather create and give credence to the ultimate Educated Criminalized Empire of prisoner's, inmates and detainee's who would be most appreciative, loyal and thankful for their free education and early release. The government know this group will do anything for them if needed to control the masses when the masses finally wake up and realized the federal government and state officials has screwed them. (Where are you, Tea Party Members). They know this group IS more powerful then our military simply because the government has spent years slicing the hell out of our military budget, financially. This Educated Criminalized Empire of prisoner's, inmates, detainee's will help the government take away your freedoms, your rights and your livelihood. And will help usher in another Democrate in the white house. Oh my! Please don't let it be Hildabeast Clinton. Mark my Word.

  2. What needs to happen is a thinning of the herd. To much wasted on and by none producing members of society. I would prefer we start culling at the top and work our way down. But we can proceed bottom to top. The point is something will give. I hope you are all prepared for it.

  3. There have been tax credits and other programs around for many years, to encourage employers to hire ex-convicts, and they worked pretty well.

    But to give de facto preference to convicted criminals? There is already a huge and undeserved preference given to blacks in government jobs. They make up less than 10% of the actual labor force, but hold over 18% of all government jobs. Some agencies are reportedly 25% to 50% black.

    How much more "affirmative action" do these people need, anyway??

  4. Sex offenders for babysitters too!

  5. 2:11 is right with the gov't job preference....worse than that is their actual contribution to productivity is less than 1% - because of their lack of competence!

  6. There will be lines of applicants who are pedophiles at the day care centers after this is passed.

  7. What ever happened to "Equal Opportunity Employment"? Yes, these people need jobs to keep them off the streets, but preferences should not exist.

    Next idea?

  8. making sure he can find a job...down the road

  9. omg you people. smfh. it's not the pols who have turned this area into a cesspool.


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