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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Non-American citizen arrested for voting in Texas — FIVE times – faces up to 20 years

A Texas woman, who is not a citizen of the United States, was arrested Friday for having illegally voted in Dallas County — five times.

Rosa Maria Ortega, 35, is presently a resident of the Tarrant County Jail, where she is being held on a $10,000 bond, according to the Dallas-Fort Worth NBC affiliate Channel 5 News, which reported:
Ortega is married to an American and is living legally in this country, but is not a citizen and therefore, not qualified to vote, said Harry White, who supervises public integrity and white collar crime investigations for the Tarrant County District Attorney.

Ortega applied to vote in Tarrant County and acknowledged on the application form that she was not a citizen, White said. The county rejected her application and notified her she was not qualified to vote.


  1. She is one of the 5 million folks that Obama wants to make citizens just for Democratic votes. He is more corrupt then she is.

  2. Now she'll have to vote absentee, since she can't make it to the polls!

  3. With out showing ID's and people want to vote Democrat. Foul, in moral, and corrupt.

  4. You are in trouble now....Wait till Obama hears of this...

  5. I wonder how many times this very same thing happens in Salisbury? Even dead people vote here.

  6. Fry her. Bury her under the jail. Charge her with treason and eject her from the country. If her husband loves her he'll follow.

  7. 7:16 PM Even dead people vote here.

    This is an opinion unless you have proof and can name names

  8. I think she is hot. Just saying.


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