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Friday, November 13, 2015

Missouri’s Lesson: the Campus Wars Are about Power, Not Justice

Tim Wolfe, the president of the University of Missouri system, abruptly resigned. Why? The popular narrative is that his “inadequate” response to a series of racist incidents on campus triggered a massive student backlash, including an unprecedented “strike” by the university’s football team, and he finally caved to the pressure.

Yet this explanation collapses under the slightest scrutiny. The idea that Wolfe presided over a racially insensitive educational empire is a sad joke. A timeline of racial outrages in Columbia is sparse indeed, showing two allegations of racial name-calling (on a campus with 35,000 students) and one disturbing incident in which a swastika was drawn on a dorm wall with human waste.

No rational, sentient human being believes system presidents can be responsible for what lunatics do with their own feces, or that they can prevent any given student from shouting racial slurs. Not even the worst communist dictatorships could control the speech of all their subjects. Wolfe couldn’t stop drunk undergraduates from hurling insensitive insults even if he established his own gulag and deployed commissars across campus.

His deposition has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with power. The campus culture wars aren’t about “victims” or “racial injustice” or “safe spaces.” People who shriek in the quad, launch hunger strikes in a blaze of publicity, or stand outside free-speech events and chant for censorship aren’t anyone’s victims. They’re not weak. They don’t need “protection.”

They’re revolutionaries, and the revolution they seek is nothing less than the overthrow of our constitutional republic, beginning with our universities. This is a movement built from the ground up around power and coercion.

More here


  1. The behavior shown at Missouri just shows that they have an overabundance of idiots in their student population, led by more experienced idiots in their faculty.

  2. withdraw all Federal / tax payer dollars since all does not have 1st amendment rights. This includes taking back tax dollar scholarship money from students. This will stop this ignorant Liberal actions.

  3. They all need a Can of Whoop A$$ and their parents too

  4. White, Asian, Hispanic and middle Eastern student's should walk out in protest of these radical race agitators interfering with their educations !

  5. oh, this is coming to SU.....there already is an "office of institutional equity".....there just looking for something to be outraged against...

  6. Kent State is all I have to say.

  7. It's the 60's all over again. Although there missing all the "free love" really good drugs and real purpose. Liberal policies have failed. Protest that you dolts.


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