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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Missouri Resignation Shows Liberal Colleges Reaping What They Sow

The resignation of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe on Monday amid campus protests are the result of colleges teaching students that America is bad, and schools now are "reaping what they sow," says conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Wolfe announced he was stepping down amid a hunger strike by a student and a vow by 30 black members of the football team to sit out practice and next Saturday's game against Brigham Young University.

"He just resigned for committing the crime of being a white male," Limbaugh said, calling it as "a social justice warrior's story."

The protests were sparked by a spate of racist incidents beginning in early October.

"It was just a couple of short years ago the University of Missouri got a gold star, and the University of Missouri was the leading, most sensitive university in America because that's where Michael Sam went to school," Limbaugh said, referring to the first openly gay player to enter the NFL draft.

At that time the school "was heralded as a citadel of tolerance," Limbaugh said. "What happened?"

More here


  1. There is nothing liberal about Missouri.

  2. You got that right!!! How ANYONE after this president and what he has created vote Democrat is beyond me.

  3. "What happened?"

    A bunch of whiney children who grew up in an environment where nobody is ever allowed to hurt their feelings now go off on tantrums when somebody says or does something they don't like.
    This is a direct result of the liberal policies that have been in place for decades.

  4. 9:43 ALL academic institutions are liberal - even if they sit in a conservative community.

    There is a chill wind blowing as Tim Robbins once warned. He initially thought it was Bush shutting up free speech but we now know it's the democratic party of liberals who are shutting up free speech.

    Yes Tim, there is a chill wind blowing.

  5. Limbaugh's comments are rubbish. I do not believe the entire story here has come out. This all happened so quickly that here has to be more to it. Reading the few thins that have been published would not have caused this much stir at the University. Tim Wolfe resigned because he turned a deaf ear to the needs of his students. Limbaugh, always the jackass, is just selling radio time.

  6. too bad the truth about what spawned the Protest has been covered up by the Propagandist media ..retribution for booting planned Parenthood off Campus... PP is just another Government agency doing as they please regardless of the law. The Marxist Progressives have set up to murder and funnel illicit cash back to their political campaigns and manipulations

  7. If anyone reading this thinks that president Wolfe could fix the wave of hyper racial sensitivity in the Black community you are sadly mistaken. It is a nation wide epidemic fueled by the liberal left that has divided a nation.

    One only has to look at the allegations presented here to see the common denominator is the Black class president. Funny he was elected at a college that has a overwhelmingly white student body. Sounds racist to me. This young man has attended this university for eight years yet he stated in an interview he has been terrified the entire time he has been on campus. Is this man seeing ghost. Who voted him into office these same racist students. I call bull shit on this one.

    As for a threat written in fecal matter on a bathroom wall I find this also highly suspicious. I have been investigating major crimes for well over twenty years. Nazi's and Skin Heads are idiots but I have never heard or read of one writing in feces to relay a threat. This just does not add up. This young activist has attempted to keep his name in media since Ferguson. I am guessing since the spot light has dimmed he has struggled. If you look at his recent hunger strike that also appears odd. He looks extremely healthy for a man who starved himself for the last thirty days. He is the common denominator in the majority of complainants.

    The liberal left has fueled this fire for the last three years. This nation has never been more racially divided since the 1960's.

    As a nation we need to see the real issues at hand. More people on unemployment. Thousands of young black men murdering one another. Hundreds of thousands of children being born without a father in the picture. This diversion being fueled by the left has taken the spot light off of the real issues. Ohbamanation and his liberal machine will continue this course to keep the attention off of his massive failure as a leader.

    All Americans need to be just that Americans again. We are losing our way with rhetoric designed to divide us. All in the name of what? What is the real message. We need to one again. On this day I think of all the men and women who sacrificed so we can live as a free nation. I served with all colors of Americans it is funny soldiers don't see color. They just see freedom.

    Thank you to "ALL" Americans that served this great country.

    1. I guess that this idiot has so much time to protest he must have not been a student. If this is the case and ALL FACTS come out I believe Mr.Wolf has a pretty good lawsuit against not only the school but this so called professional protester and his organization.

  8. 11:06 talk about rubbish ..if the true story was reported you wouldn't care .. they are not Students they are lemmings led by the nose by paid activists ...as if your take on this has some intrinsic value above that of Rush's... LMAO

  9. everything has more value that what Rush says. Think for yourslf, puppet. HILARIOUS


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