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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

McDonald's fires worker who threw water on homeless man

A Detroit McDonald's employee who tricked a homeless man into thinking he would get food through the drive-through and instead threw water at him has been fired amid outrage after a video of the incident went viral.

The owner of the McDonald's on Grand River near Schaefer on the city's west side confirmed in a statement today that the employee was terminated.

"I am very disturbed by the inappropriate behavior of this employee," said McDonald's franchisee Wise Finley. "This type of behavior is not tolerated in my organization. I expect my employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect, and this was unacceptable. This individual no longer works for my organization."



  1. He was just giving him a much-needed shower.

  2. I'm glad to read this and agree with 11:39 that an assault occurred.


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