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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Massachusetts Has Dropped Common Core

Massachusetts has become the lateststate to eschew Common Core standards, and will instead create its own state-specific test to measure how well students are learning.

Common Core has come under fire from both the left and the right. Teacher's unions disliked the standards-- and the high-stakes testing--and those on the right thought that Common Core was the federal government growing far too large.

Massachusetts already had very high standards (and good outcomes) for education, plus some of the best schools in the country, so it makes sense for the state to switch back to something it can personally control.



  1. according to PBS, their article was updated to add the word "Test" after the words "Common Core" - i.e., MA has not dropped CC :(

  2. they will when they find out Jeb Bush and the Bush family own close to a majority share of it


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