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Friday, November 06, 2015

Maryland family faces harsh criticism after adopted daughter featured in ‘American Girl’ magazine

The parents of an 11-year-old girl in upper Montgomery County said they are disappointed and hurt after they received sharp criticism on an article in a popular girls magazine about their adopted daughter, their family and their charity work to help foster children.

Rob and Reece Scheer of Darnestown adopted Amaya and three boys — all of whom had been in foster care — several years ago and were recently featured in a magazine run by the huge toy chain Mattel and its popular dolls, called “American Girl.” In the article, Amaya tells of how she and her brother came to the Scheers in 2009 with their belongings in two trash bags. It was their third foster home in four months. The Scheers went on to adopt two other kids who are brothers — Greyson, who is now 8, and Tristan, now 6.

The article, by an adult writer for the magazine, is written through Amaya’s perspective. In it, Amaya promotes the charity one of her dads — Rob — started several years ago, called Comfort Cases, which provides backpacks filled with pajamas, toothbrushes, blankets, stuffed animals and other items for foster kids. The group has gone from providing about 300 kits in 2013 to donating 7,000 to kids in the District, Maryland and Virginia foster care systems last year.



  1. Sharp criticism... because they are Gays?... you cannot criticize a Gay without it being amplified to something it is not...if anything the criticism is to milk the publicity for all it is worth
    Mattel should be the target with their gratuitous promotion ..of a lifestyle a huge portion of the Market find abhorrent.

  2. A lifestyle that actively seeks to provide love and caring for truly unfortunate children, in the foster care system.

    An example many of you churchies should follow.


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