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Monday, November 09, 2015

Levin Dares Obama to Come on His Show: ‘I Will Give $100,000 to His Favorite Charity’

Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin challenged the president, on Tuesday, to come on his show, saying he will “give $100,000 to [Obama’s] favorite charity’ if he does. He predicted that Obama would not accept the invitation.

“Now, I have offered Barack Obama, on multiple occasions, to come on this show, where we would have a serious, professional, honest debate for an hour,” said Levin. “And I’ve said, ‘I will give $100,000 to his favorite charity.’ He’s not coming on this show, Mr. Tough Guy.”

Here is a transcript of Mark’s comments:


  1. Barack Obama is his own favorite charity :(
    master of NON-PROFIT!

  2. Obama, Hillary, Harry Reid, Pelosi, Biden, all don't have the balls to face true examination of their records. Levin would eat them alive!

  3. Obama is quick to tell jokes about others that don't follow him, but hasn't got the b---s to face Levin.


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