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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Let's Break Down Tonight's WBOC Broadcast

While WBOC plans on hosting another group of bogus town hall meetings, let me show you how they never listened to you the last time.

From the very beginning tonight they started off with a piece referencing heroin in Delmar. However, that was the only local story they did the entire time.

They next did a homeless veteran story from Virginia. They did a story about a Delaware Library and bed bugs in their books. Then came a story about Hogan in Annapolis. Then they went into the weather and we were subjected to listening to a promo on Outdoors Delmarva and what you can and can't shoot in Delaware. They then discussed the groping/twerking story at a convenience store in Washington, D.C.. Then came a crash in PG County, Hyattsville and then football. Finally they did another Virginia Beach story about an elderly couple reuniting after 70 years. 

While it was a painful half hour out of my life, I just had to see how screwed up they are. There was no Veterans Day story in Wicomico County or Worcester. I truly believe there was plenty enough local stories from today but as you can see they couldn't care less about this area. 

Why their advertisers can't see this station failing like there's no tomorrow and that viewers have grown exhausted waiting for more local news is beyond me. The ONLY reason they are doing town hall meetings is because Salisbury News has blown their doors off and they can no longer compete. 

Hey WBOC, you just try coming back saying what I stated above isn't true, I don't care. I showed piece by piece, (in order) and your station has become completely worthless. Yeah, like a town hall meeting is going to help when you fools just can't understand the word LOCAL. 

WBOC will now start falling apart just like the Daily Times did in the past. 


  1. By the way, SBYNews will deliver almost ONE HUNDRED articles this Veterans Day. WBOC delivered what, TEN?

  2. I bet your arm is sore from patting yourself on the back.dont like don't watch

  3. Unreal, just unreal, that they couldn't even put something on about Veterans Day. What a waste of a TV station.

  4. 8:08, What's the problem. Are you afraid your going to lose your job?

  5. not saying I disagree about WBOC but come on... have you looked at your own posts? What percentage is local news? Less than theirs. You copy and paste a lot of national stuff. And Delaware is local to WBOC. If you would only post local news your 100 would turn to 10. Just saying you need to be fair.

  6. Look they do what the NY goons tell em. Free press my arse. They have lost their value.

  7. The station's news is horrible.
    A few things bother me the most:
    1. When, in lieu of actual video, the speak the story and put up three (always three) talking points that they just said. It's obvious that they're hoping that people equate this slideshow with actual television - with moving pictures!
    2. The only video they show is that poor girl every morning "on location", using pretty much her personal Go-Pro Camera. It usually just turns out to be a black background (she could be anywhere) while she tells the story.
    3. Four minutes on local sports. Hey, I get it, ya gotta serve the community. But really, two minutes on a high school field hockey regular season game that even the PARENTS don't attend. There's NOBODY in the crowd! Maybe, just maybe, a handful - like 10 - students. How on earth can the station think that any viewer gives a rat's a$$ about this game??
    And lastly... (This is a little mean, but what the hell): To Lacee, that sugary-sweet morning girl who constantly proves she is dumb as a nail with her ad-libs (or lack thereof) with her co-anchors. Also, PLEASE stop sticking your tongue out on the last syllable of your last name (the "th" in Griffith) on your introduction. I'm sure that was really really cutesy when you were a little kid, but you're a grown-up now. Be an adult.
    I will say it's good to have Jimmy back and healthy, though. He seems like a real good guy.

  8. Jim, WBOC did ONE local story out of 10. Our format is not only much different but we do far more local posts then anyone else out there. There is not worthy local news on a daily basis here. Some days are better then others. However, today there was Veteran Day celebrations in just about every community and Jim, let me remind you, we are TWO people, not an entire Staff like WBOC has.

    As for the volume of Posts we provide daily, know this. You can read the entire article on every subject we provide. WBOC gives articles they copy from us TEN SECONDS of air time and NOT the whole story. Look, I can't blame them for following our lead. We make the news extremely easy for them daily any more. They see what garnishes the most attention from the most popular website and they run that story. However, they need their own identity and taking news from Colorado, New York and the rest of the country, I promise you, won't cut it. In the end posts like this one will actually help them, as will the comments.

    They have several good people on their staff but like I said, they need their own identity and I firmly believe they need to reconnect with the community once again.

    Jim, in the end we have dedicated 11 years to this community. WE WERE ALWAYS THE UNDERDOG, don't ever forget that. We are now the leader and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how we got there. Break away from the Facebook comments and recreate the anonymous comments, OR YOU WILL DIE AS A BUSINESS. We are too tough to compete with any more and they know it. The Daily Times has tanked because of that choice as well.

    Love me or hate me, we have arrived to the top of the maintain and no one can deny that any more. TENS OF MILLIONS of viewers.

  9. Jim, this is not a dating chat site. If you want to discuss this further don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.

  10. WBOC is worn out and has a tired format.

  11. I love this site because it has anonymous comments. I don't have Facebook, or social media. Don't want it, don't need it and better off without it.

  12. WBOC needs to get out of their high tech studio and get the real news! This morning they were on a story from 10/30 of a brother hitting another with a baseball bat....12 days later? Jimmy Hoppa is a fire fighter with Laurel Fire Department, where was the news of the major house fire in Laurel last night? A family lost everything they had, this should be t he headlines not 12 day old news that nobody cares about.


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