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Monday, November 30, 2015

Karl Rove Moves to Bankroll Ben Carson

Republican strategist Karl Rove may be moving to help bankroll Ben Carson in the presidential race.

Reports say Rove helped to set up a meeting between Carson's campaign and billionaire Steve Wynn, but additional details were not immediately clear. Wynn, who owns casinos and hotels across the country, has contributed a combined $30,000 to political action committees associated with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in this election cycle.

Ben Carson presently ranks fourth in the Washington Examiner's power rankings.

Wynn is munificent when it comes to campaign contributions, and he rarely discriminates between parties. Federal Election Commission filings indicate Wynn has made multiple contributions to both of his state's U.S. senators, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., as well as a range of officials across the country.



  1. Don't trust anything that Karl Rove says or does! He's nothing more than a mouthpiece for the GOP establishment and the Rinos in Washington.

  2. Exactly! ! As I said before if Trump isn't on the ticket I'll stay home. Sick of the McCain and Romney BS candidate.

    1. How can you compare Ben Carson to McCain or Romney?

    2. How can you not??

    3. How can you not?? Another republican candidate that has no chance of winning. Good enough for you??

  3. Karl Rove is the kiss of death. Reject that offer, Ben!

  4. great buy into the narrative Karl Rove works for somebody other than the Bush Obama cabal

    1. "Bush Obama cabal" ? Yikes....somebody is off their meds.

  5. Ben is smart enough to spot a wolf in sheep's clothing.


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