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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Ignoring the Obvious - Thomas Sowell

A recent, widely publicized incident in which a policeman was called to a school classroom to deal with a disruptive student has provoked all sorts of comments on whether the policeman used "excessive force."

What has received far less attention, though it is a far larger question, with more sweeping implications, is the role of disruptive students in schools.

Critics of charter schools have often pointed to those schools' ability to expel uncooperative and disruptive students, far more readily than regular public schools can, as a reason for some charter schools' far better educational outcomes, as shown on many tests.

The message of these critics is that it is "unfair" to compare regular public schools' results with those of charter schools serving the same neighborhoods -- and often in the same buildings. This criticism ignores the fact that schools do not exist to provide jobs for teachers or "fairness" to institutions, but to provide education for students.

"Fairness" is for human beings, not for institutions. Institutions that are not serving the needs of people should either be changed or phased out and replaced, when they persistently fail.

Despite the painfully bad educational outcomes in many public schools in ghettos across the country, there are also cases where charter schools in the very same ghettos turn out students whose test scores are not only far higher than those in other ghetto schools, but sometimes are comparable to the test scores in schools in upscale suburban communities, where children come from intact families with highly educated parents.



  1. Funny thing most these disruptive children had parents that acted the same way. I put my children in private school I was tired of excusses by the B.O.E. It was tough at first but we cut other places and did without. Society contunually caters to those that cause the trouble. It just does not make sense.

  2. Although there are merits to this article, it misses the point. The real obvious question in regards to this incident is why do police feel the need to use excessive violence and why do they feel threatened to the point of not be able to do their jobs if they cannot use it?

    1. Simple. Cause and effect. Action and reaction.
      Behavior and consequences.

      The point is, what the hell is wrong with kids who won't stop disruptive behavior l?

  3. She shouldn't have assaulted the officer and resisted arrest. he fault, not the officers.

  4. These students should be arrested, cuffed, and sent to jail. Make them post a bail.

  5. The officer's job was to remove her from the classroom after being identified by the teacher as being disruptive, which he then witnessed. He first made a verbal appeal, which was repeated. She refused, she became combative and assaulted him. Next notch up for the officer. Subdue but do the best you can not to injure if resistance continues.

    Kids are in that classroom for the purpose of getting an education, however effectively. Those who interrupt classes should be removed, as they're not ready to learn and deprive others of learning. Leaving them in the classroom also leads to loss of class control and what little respect is left for teachers and education. Behavioral issues should be addressed for what they are but should not be the basis or excuse for taking away from what's left of our educational process. It's because the behavioral issues have become so much more prevalent and classroom authority decimated in the school systems that School Resource Officers are necessary.

    The issues are clear, the causes mostly clear but the solutions out of our grasp.

  6. Not everyone needs or even deserves an education. Get the savages out of the schools.

  7. Why is it ok for the officer to grab her around her neck? We say she assaulted him? Just because you wear a badge, it does not give you the right to violate my rights. You can say he gave her a "lawful order" but he could have went about this in a totally different manor. How about putting her hands behind her back and in handcuffs? Nope lets try a choke maneuver and expect the girl to be willingly thrown around. She was in the wrong for not following orders, but he was also wrong in the way he managed this situation. Point blank, that is why he was fired.

    1. Why is it ok for the girl to be disruptive and defy the "lawful order" of the teacher, the principal and then the police?

      Answer: it isn't ok.

  8. I would advise anyone who wants to criticize this officer to spend a couple of weeks volunteering in the school system.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I would advise anyone who wants to criticize this officer to spend a couple of weeks volunteering in the school system.

    November 5, 2015 at 6:02 PM

    then there might be a problem with the institutions. cops are there in case someone comes in with a gun, not to yank unruly kids out of their seats. call the parents, expel them, leave her in the room alone. many different solutions besides assault.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Simple. Cause and effect. Action and reaction.
    Behavior and consequences.

    The point is, what the hell is wrong with kids who won't stop disruptive behavior l?

    November 6, 2015 at 5:27 AM

    There was no cause to do what he did. I don't have the answer to your question but I don't think abuse is the answer.

  11. She might as well learn now, that escalating levels of misbehavior will result in escalating levels of response from authority.

    Zero respect for authority, for other students, for anyone but herself. She hasn't learned the most basic foundations of living in a civilized society, and as such, can expect to be dealt with accordingly.

  12. All she had to do was what she was told to do. She didn't. Too bad. It's HER OWN FAULT!


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