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Friday, November 20, 2015

Honduras Stops 5 Syrians With Fake Passports Headed to the US

Authorities in Honduras have detained “five Syrian nationals who were trying to reach the United States using stolen Greek passports” and, as Fox reports, the five “Syrians were trying to arrive in the U.S. by land, presumably by traveling through Mexico:”

The group of Syrian men was held late on Tuesday in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa on arrival from Costa Rica and they were planning to head to the border with neighboring Guatemala. The passports had been doctored to replace the photographs with those of the Syrians, police said.

Also according to Fox, the five “suspects remain in police custody.”

The newspaper reports that the passports were stolen in Greece and doctored to insert the photos of the Syrians into the document. Authorities have stated they are “on alert” for any additional suspect activity.

More here


  1. Oh, but the other 100,000 without forged papers who have no papers at all are welcome.

    I get it.


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