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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Hogan Says State Cannot Afford Extra Education Money

One day after legislative Democrats called on Governor Larry Hogan to release $68-million earmarked for large school systems, the governor is refusing to do that, calling the request part of the "silly season" in state politics in Annapolis.

Hogan made the comments during an appearance on the C-4 Show today on WBAL NewsRadio 1090.

"This is exactly the same thing we've been hearing from them since last January," Hogan told C-4.

"The facts get skewed and these guys seem to not pay any attention to the extreme deficit situation we're faced with."

House Speaker Michael Busch and Senate President Mike Miller pointing to the state's $320 million budget surplus this fiscal year, said the state can afford to spend the money.



  1. The Governor is right on this one...Miller and Busch - go pound sand!
    Making them tighten their belts is another step back towards success...via fiscal responsibility - which Marty didn't even know how to spell (and he wants to be president - I'm still laughing!).

  2. Hogan for President!

  3. Ireton for street sweeper.

  4. "..$320 million budget surplus.."

    So I assume the payments to the State Pension Fund are now up to date and it's fully funded?

    No? Well then.. that would sure be a peachy way to use the money, don't you think? Put back some of the money they've been stealing from the State employees retirement.

  5. Right on Governor! We need a non career politician as president like yourself.

  6. Anonymous said...
    "..$320 million budget surplus.."

    So I assume the payments to the State Pension Fund are now up to date and it's fully funded?

    No? Well then.. that would sure be a peachy way to use the money, don't you think? Put back some of the money they've been stealing from the State employees retirement.

    November 4, 2015 at 5:25 PM

    I agree with this and I am a Republican. This is something that was promised to our employees.

  7. hold strong Hogan. You are correct. Look what dumb decisions were made under omalley.

  8. Good for Hogan. None of that money is for Wicomico County anyhow.


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