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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Gates: Socialism Can Save Us From Climate Change

“Representative democracy” has failed; the private sector is “inept”; and only bigger government – led by China and the US – has the power to save the world from climate change.

So says Bill Gates in a dogmatic but somewhat confused interview with The Atlantic in which he simultaneously pours scorn on green tech solutions but insists that more of them are needed – on a scale bigger than the Manhattan Project – if we are to deal successfully with a problem whose nature he admits may well have been exaggerated by environmentalists.

Confused? You should be:

Here are some of things we learn about the mysteries of Gates’s mind.



  1. Big government is efficient and productive, while private business is inept?

    Funny words coming from Mr. Gates.

  2. Didn't someone already try this and fail. I seem to remember a little country that called themselves the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.

  3. bill gates go away. you may have been great with your tech knowledge, but everything else stinks. just go away.

  4. He sure did LOVE capitalism on his way to getting rich.


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