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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Gains Hawkins just can't "get over it"

Mr. Hawkins, a member (along with Laura Mitchell) of the Wicomico County Democratic Central Committee, was Treasurer of Rick Pollitt's campaign committee – the "Friends of Rick." Since the election, he has published periodic epistles in, would you believe, the Daily Times trashing Bob Culver by putting him in a false light. Now that it has become clear, beyond any valid doubt, that the voters chose wisely in electing him and defeating Pollitt, Hawkins has become increasingly asinine in his attack.

In a recent piece, he portrays an imaginary “Culliverland,” in which a malicious "emperor" is posited as the perpetrator of evil and unethical actions. Replete with sophomoric plagiarism ("Once upon a time, a short, short time ago"), the piece suggests the arrival of a "New Day" – bet you can’t figure that one out – that makes it all better, maybe.

Hawkins continues to boil in his witches’ brew of venom and vituperation over the rejection of his pal Pollitt and other local Democrats – Conway, Brown, Mitchell, Hastings -- by Wicomico County voters. He must be blind to the fact that Salisbury has experienced the very same "New Day" with nothing to show. And he is certainly blind to (or unwilling to acknowledge) the remarkable and much needed change for the better in Wicomico County government during Bob Culver's first year as the County Executive.

Surely, as Wicomico County (with the exception of Salisbury) continues to improve and recover from years of Democrat rule, Hawkins will continue to publish his BS in a forum that thrives by selling such drivel to the low information voters.


  1. Not only is Gains Hawkins a crazy liberal so is The Daily Times for printing such trash.

  2. The paper today has a rebuttal from Dr. Mark Edney who very effectively shared the positive things Executive Culver has accomplished. But check out the title. Another example of how lame the paper is.

  3. I read the letter from Edney this morning and was surprised at all Culver has accomplished having the likes of John Cannon fighting him every way possible. The County Council needs new leadership. Step up and ask you council representative to oust Cannon just like happened the last time when he served as president of the council.

  4. The Democrats threw Pollitt to the wolves a year ago and still can't stand that they aren't in control. That includes Cannon too, he can't believe that Culver won and now thinks he could have. Wrong Johnny Boy.

  5. The Dems had better get use to being out of control with the clowns they have put up to run in recent. The people are tired of their liberal ways. Hawkins is a prime example.

  6. You can add Geoff Smoot to the list of Democrat crybabies. Anybody that supports Obama and Clinton can't be thinking very clearly. Therefore, I put no credibility in anything they say. Fact, Obama and Clinton are proven liars.

  7. Gains Hawkins is such a failure. Just check out Pollitt's campaign reports and read just how much Hawkins didn't raise for the campaign. Loser for sure.

  8. I have an idea, maybe Cannon will have Hawkins for his campaign treasurer next time around. They deserve each other, both are losers.

  9. Culver has done and is doing a great job he and Mike Lewis are people this county and city can be proud of, I am looking forward to what April Jackson and Muir Boda can do as well, I do however miss Tim Spies, and I sincerely hope we have not seen the last of him, hang in their Tim. Now if we can just someday rid our selves of Laura Mitchell that would be another improvement.

  10. Gaines Hawkins needs to get back under his rock..

  11. I recall the Pollitt years. In the short time that Culver has been in charge, more seems to have taken an upswing in activity and results than in those years. Under Pollitt there was no elbow grease, which is hardly the case with Culver, whose energy and enthusiasm are a welcome change.

  12. Might as well let everyone read it without having to give the Daily Trash website more hits.

    Wicomico awaits the arrival of a New Day
    GAINS HAWKINS 3:59 p.m. EST November 11, 2015

    Once upon a time, a short, short time ago, there lived an emperor in Culliverville who valued personal loyalty over those whose loyalty was first and foremost to the kingdom.

    He began his reign by exiling the most accomplished of his subjects who, despite their demonstrated competence and contributions to the kingdom, were deemed disloyal to the emperor.

    More recently he exerted his power to evict a good witch from her modest home on the emperor’s property; she had the temerity to succeed in preserving the quality of the kingdom’s drinking water at the expense of the expansion of the emperor’s playground.

    But the emperor’s mood swung from anger to joy at the announcement that one of his progeny would be joining him on the kingdom’s payroll.

    Although the emperor presides over a withering kingdom, he seeks counsel from the most embittered and resentful of his subjects, especially those who praise his willingness to inflict hardship on the poorest in the village. The House of Lords will occasionally tweak the emperor’s heavy-handedness, but the power brokers in the Greedy Old Pale party that installed the emperor to the throne privately nod in appreciation at his unsparing efforts to rob from the poor and reward the rich.

    The silent minority continues to search for a voice that will embarrass the emperor and House of Lords into recognizing that their prosperity is vital to the kingdom’s ability to reverse its slide into irrelevance and obscurity.

    Is there someone with a bold voice and vision to reverse the kingdom’s stagnation? Some cautiously see a New Day in the future.

    The kingdom retains pillars of strength with its fine universities, a healthy hospital and even a major employer. Its inner kingdom is showing signs of rebirth, a glimmer of light that fosters the hope of a New Day.

    But poverty, crime and lackluster schools must be addressed in a meaningful manner, as problems in need of dynamic solutions that are publicly embraced vocally and fiscally by the ministry.

    All subjects in the kingdom need access to decent housing. Adults and children alike must be afforded the best education and job training the kingdom’s treasury can buy.

    A New Day must deliver belief and trust in a leader who will use the public tools at his disposal to yield a promising future for all of its citizens. A New Day needs to create a fresh wave of optimism to wash away the cowardly cynicism currently so pervasive in this increasingly bleak and cold kingdom.

    Will a New Day usher in the warmth that breeds new growth and hope? Or will that warmth fade as new becomes settled, day turns to night and nothing changes – as lucre outshines light, the rich get richer and the poor poorer.

    Wicomico awaits the answer.

    Gains Hawkins lives in Wicomico County.

  13. Pollitt not long for Crisfield as they don't have the tax base for his spending his way to the top

  14. Pollitt just took the seat, Culver accepted the job. It hasn't been easy because of how many councilmen were a part of the lame former administration. Culver just needs to keep chipping away at the old guard and we people will get what we wanted when we elected Culver.

  15. Anonymous said...
    The paper today has a rebuttal from Dr. Mark Edney who very effectively shared the positive things Executive Culver has accomplished. But check out the title. Another example of how lame the paper is.

    November 15, 2015 at 10:51 AM

    The Hell with Mark Edney. He is in Bed with Jake Day. I saw pictures of him being at Jake Day's Victory Party along with the Wicomico County Republican Club leaders Shawn Jester and Jackie Welfonder. Also noted were pics of Carl Anderton. Mark Edney is on the Wicomico County Central Committee and he should have worked hard to put a good Republican to run against Jake Day for Mayor and not support him. That is Mark Edney's job and he took an oath of office to promote the Republican Party and not jump in bed with the Democrats. All Mark Edney is trying to do is be another Andy Harris. He is waiting for the right opportunity to run for higher office and he doesn't have my vote or the vote of my family. I have already educated them on who he really is.

  16. Everything Hawkins writes is laced with arrogance and self-aggrandizement. One could say he is largely responsible for Pollitt's loss as he raised no money for him nor provided any wise counsel. They both live in an alternate reality where they think people care what they think. They both need to just go away. Your time is O V E R.

  17. Birds of a feather. Pollitt and Hawkins - empty suits.

  18. If you think Hawkins is bad you need to read the comments sent to the Daily Rag by that complete idiot Smoot. He had a comment recently that no one in the Republican debate was qualified to be President. If you watched any of the Dummycrat debate it reminded me of the three stooges. How in the hell does he think that Obama is qualified for anything and if he thinks that he has done anything for this country then he is even more of an idiot.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Everything Hawkins writes is laced with arrogance and self-aggrandizement. One could say he is largely responsible for Pollitt's loss as he raised no money for him nor provided any wise counsel. They both live in an alternate reality where they think people care what they think. They both need to just go away. Your time is O V E R.

    November 15, 2015 at 1:47 PM

    Everything he writes is laced with Susan Hargreaves Parker the wicked witch of the Daily Rag!

  20. Now we know who the real witch is and who allowed this trash to be published.

    Susan Hargreaves Parker
    November 12 at 10:08am · Twitter ·

    A little satire to spice up your moning! Wicomico awaits the arrival of a New Day

    https://****** via @MyDelmarvaNow

    Rick Pollitt and AJ Tawes like this.

  21. Yes, Susan should have been released from her position a long time ago. She writes opinions with intentional lies for the liberals. I hope Pollitt enjoyed reading it on his lunch break because those people in Crisfield expect a honest days work for a honest days pay exactly like Culver. I wonder if Pollitt gets to work before 10AM?

  22. Is there something mentally wrong with Hawkins that he has to write prose of fantasy to try and make himself relevant? If he has such a high opinion of himself, why can't he make a civil, point without all the childish fairy tales? Personally, I find these types of individuals lacking in accomplishment including social and mental abilities.

    Just what the world needs at this point, another Peter Pan.

  23. Thank you Bob Culver. You have done more in one year than Pollitt did in his entire tenure. You have saved this county money and continue so to do and I am proud of you and the job you are doing. I know it can't be easy with the likes of some of the folks on the Council and the senior relic who doesn't seem to know how to leave the job gracefully for the second or third time.

    I am a taxpaying homeowner who appreciates the hard work, the many dedicated hours of service, and you "walking the walk". Thank you. The county council except for Joe Holloway should learn and RESPECT the taxpaying citizen, and look for more ways to SAVE money rather than ask and spend more of our money. Teach them to stop being such spend thrifts with taxpayer money.

    May GOD continue to protect and bless you as you continue your journey.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Is there something mentally wrong with Hawkins that he has to write prose of fantasy to try and make himself relevant? If he has such a high opinion of himself, why can't he make a civil, point without all the childish fairy tales? Personally, I find these types of individuals lacking in accomplishment including social and mental abilities.

    Just what the world needs at this point, another Peter Pan.

    November 15, 2015 at 5:42 PM

    You are absolutely correct! He is a liberal and he approves of same sex marriage and gay sex between man on man. Yes he is a mental case. Case Closed!!

  25. Interesting Hawkins used to be at UMES but isn't currently

  26. Just imagine what Culver could have done if the Council had been honest Republicans and not wolves in sheep clothing - AKA - RINOs/good ole boys.

    Only exception - Joe Holloway - he tries his hardest to stand up for the taxpayer.

  27. Agree with the poster who said Hawkins should run Cannon's campaign. Hilarious!

    Wonder when Matt Holloway and Cannon will be at each other's throats since they are both after Culver's job. Cannon doesn't get it. Too stupid for prime time.

  28. 6:19. Amen. Can you believe Cannon playing the games that he is with Creamer and M. Holloway is attempting to make a name for himself for the race as executive or a contract for growing Marijuana. Which will come first for Matt? He is hoping the marijuana, then we would be done with him as a politician.

  29. I don't think too many people pay attention to Gaines. He offers nothing.

  30. Hawkins probably was asked to leave UMES and just hangs around the YMCA trying to recruit more extreme liberals. As far as Geoff Smoot is concerned , what a disappointment! He at one time was a feared baseball coach at Bennett High. He may have been hit with a FOUL ball at the end of his career and discombobulated his brain???
    He at one time seemed on the conservative side.

  31. Hawkins is a whiny, arrogant POS. I have witnessed his behavior and attitude until I want to puke. He needs to move to Europe and be their douche bag.

  32. Hawkins is part of the local Dem elite that also includes Ron Pagano, Michael Pretl, Laura Mitchell, Jim Ireton, Josh Hastings, to name some of the "leders".

  33. So much to comment on here...

    Satire, Susan? Really? Worse example of such I have read in years.

    "But poverty, crime and lackluster schools must be addressed in a meaningful manner..."

    Yes, Gaines, and since Culver has been in office such a short time, who did NOT address those things in a meaningful manner? Yes, yes, that's right, your man, Pollitt.

    Loved the words "asinine," "sophomoric" and "drivel" to refer to Hawkins' writing. Maybe that's why he couldn't hack it in newspapers and shifted to academia PR, where he seems to be done as well.

    I hate to render an unkind opinion of anyone publicly, but reading that load of camel barf earned him an exception.

    I crossed party lines to vote for Culver and have zero regrets.

    As for Day, I find the celebrity worship of this guy who has done fundamentally nothing but a big PR show so far to be rather frightening. And I ain't referring to Obama.

  34. But for the shopping inserts, why does anyone buy that excuse for a newspaper.

    But I forgot, its the local Democrat newsletter.

  35. We are fortunate that Bob had the gumption to go for it because the Wicomico Republican group sure didn't do much to help him win, and look at how they did in the Salisbury election this fall.

  36. Hawkins is an idiot and actually if you bother to read his drivel, he is criticizing his own party and fellow do-nothings and doesn't even realize it. He is blaming Culver for EVERYTHING when Bob has only been in office a year. He started this blame game within days of Culver taking office.

    So, Hawkins - who is REALLY to blame for all your complaints? It is the Democrats you work/worked so hard to elect. YOU, Hawkins, aren't happy with what your own party has created! Open your eyes man, how stupid are you?

  37. If it wasn't for Cannon and his Council lemmings, Culver could have accomplished even more. Cannon will NEVER get another vote from me and many other voters I know. We will work hard against him and some other Council members who have let the taxpayers down.

  38. 2:07 a.m. Don't know who you are, but I agree with the celebrity worship comment.

    I would add that a "cult of personality" has been created by a certain group of thirty-somethings (and some older worshippers)who think they are the "in crowd" and the salvation for Salisbury. If you watch them on Facebook, it is hilarious how much they love themselves and each other. It is soooooo high school!!

  39. I too crossed party lines and would again today. I can't believe how so many are taken by Day, who is not accomplished, but because he has a charming personality is taking the reigns of many things in the city. I question what he really does for a living. My experience is he talks the talk but not walks the walk. Not impressed at this point.

  40. 2:07 a.m. - well said. I too crossed party lines to vote for Culver and am glad I did. I find the "entitled" society created by local Dems to be too much - and they have made themselves the "entitled". Our local government has operated on the good old boy system too long. It needs to be cleaned up and clearly our local Dems aren't capable of policing themselves. Culver has done a good job so far questioning what needs to be questioned. Not nearly as impressed with the Council who seem really lame to me.

  41. Can't this town find anyone other than Jake Day and Brad Gillis to speak at events or make public service announcements. Have you ever heard of being "over exposed". I'm sick of seeing how people worship at the feet of these guys.

  42. This is all funny. Salisbury is run by a bunch of "daddy's boys". If they didn't have powerful/wealthy fathers, where would they be? Day, Gillis, Gilkerson.....

  43. Gaines Hawkins is a little man with a big ego that has warped his brain and stained his past reputation. He is definitely a fellow who cannot accept that his influence has drowned in his lost soul.

  44. Bullseye:

    "with the exception of Salisbury" It is now in free fall after the election, and won't stop until it hits bottom, again. But this time the remaining homeowners in the city won't be able to turn things around like they had begun when Campbell and Cohen were elected because the power elite has carved up 5 separate council districts so they can run things totally. Time to change the name to SAPOAville or G-G Town.

    Culver may be able to save the county, and he's off to a good start, but no thanks to the worthless Republican leadership and the RINOs on the Council -- Hall and Matt Holloway, plus John Cannon.

  45. The lying Douche Bag Josh Hastings is mentioned. I thought we were done talking about him. He lied all through campaign season and then to make up for his big loss he becomes the Democrat Club president to help stir the pot like this. This guy is the epitome of low life Democrats. If you vote for one you are just as bad as this guy.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Hawkins is part of the local Dem elite that also includes Ron Pagano, Michael Pretl, Laura Mitchell, Jim Ireton, Josh Hastings, to name some of the "leders".

    November 16, 2015 at 12:29 AM

    Nothing but a bunch of Misfits slopping at the Government Trough!!

  47. Anonymous said...

    As for Day, I find the celebrity worship of this guy who has done fundamentally nothing but a big PR show so far to be rather frightening. And I ain't referring to Obama.

    November 16, 2015 at 2:07 AM

    I agree with this assessment on Jake Day. This clown has done absolutely nothing for the public. Has done absolutely nothing in the political arena. Has been unemployed throughout his working years with the exception of a few jobs that were invented just for him, such as Salisbury University and the one his daddy made for him at Perdue Farms. The guy has been driving without a license for several years and the police and courts look the other way. What an embarrassment he is and the newspapers are drooling all over him. And that front page picture of him kissing his little baby, Aw. LMAO.

    All of this reminds me of the Democrats top pick, Obama, the Empty Suit.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If it wasn't for Cannon and his Council lemmings, Culver could have accomplished even more. Cannon will NEVER get another vote from me and many other voters I know. We will work hard against him and some other Council members who have let the taxpayers down.

    November 16, 2015 at 8:05 AM

    So tell me know it all, what could Culver have done that was blocked by Cannon and his Council lemmings? Please enlighten us!! I bet you can't name one thing. You are all talk with no substance.

  49. Anonymous said...
    2:07 a.m. Don't know who you are, but I agree with the celebrity worship comment.

    I would add that a "cult of personality" has been created by a certain group of thirty-somethings (and some older worshippers)who think they are the "in crowd" and the salvation for Salisbury. If you watch them on Facebook, it is hilarious how much they love themselves and each other. It is soooooo high school!!

    November 16, 2015 at 8:44 AM

    You are correct and they consider themselves the popular Millennials. Day, Gillis, Gilkerson, etc., and yes Josh Hastings is trying to be a part of that group.

    I laugh at all the morons that support Jake Day thinking he is really a local celebrity.

  50. Anonymous said...
    I too crossed party lines and would again today. I can't believe how so many are taken by Day, who is not accomplished, but because he has a charming personality is taking the reigns of many things in the city. I question what he really does for a living. My experience is he talks the talk but not walks the walk. Not impressed at this point.

    November 16, 2015 at 8:54 AM

    He does absolutely nothing for a living. His daddy, with the approval of Jim Perdue create a government relations position for him so he can come and go as he pleases and so he can campaign if needed. Not only is this a joke, it will be a serious conflict of interest when negotiations are done with the city of Salisbury for the needs of water and sewer as well as taxes.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can't this town find anyone other than Jake Day and Brad Gillis to speak at events or make public service announcements. Have you ever heard of being "over exposed". I'm sick of seeing how people worship at the feet of these guys.

    November 16, 2015 at 8:59 AM


    I feel the same way, but you can blame Greg Bassett and Susan Hargreaves Parker for fanning the flames of their wannabe celebrity status.


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