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Monday, November 30, 2015

French Ambassador: Armed Citizens Defend Selves 'Only in the Movies'

Armed citizens are able to defend themselves "only in the movies," French Ambassador to the United States Gerard Araud said this week, striking back at GOP front-runner Donald Trump's contention that it is important for people to arm themselves.

Further, he told Fox News' "Special Report" that he sent a tweet to Trump calling him a "vulture" after the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris, when a tweet reappeared on the candidate's Twitter page that was posted in January after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, reports Breitbart.

“It was a theater, a theater hall," Araud told Special Report. "Imagine a theater hall and suddenly people enter with machine guns and are really killing people … It is only in the movies someone is using his gun to defend himself.”

Trump's initial repeated tweet, "Isn't it interesting that the tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world?” was quickly taken down and replaced with another that said "My prayers are with the victims and hostages in the horrible Paris attacks. May God be with you all."



  1. And only in the movies did the people in the US go to France to run the bad guys out ... TWICE!

  2. It's pretty simple. Armed citizens can defend themselves, unarmed sheep go to slaughter.

    Cattle don't carry...

  3. No one should be surprised that a comment like this came from a frenchmen..viva la coward.

  4. Even tho I can't stand most French people, he has a point to some degree. Even in states with fairly relaxed concealed carry laws, it usually is not legal to carry while consuming alcohol or in a bar. Most concert venues (WCCC excluded) serve alcohol and larger ones use metal detectors so carrying would not be an option.

  5. Obama kissed french butt to getc him to day that. How low will the Muslim and chief go?? Getting foreign leaders to do his bidding. NO CLASS ALL A$$

  6. probably from a lineage of Vichy French collaborators with the old school Nazis

  7. And I guess those three American on the train didn't really do anything.

  8. I guess most of you have forgotten who came to our aid during our revolution

  9. Hey idiot the media doesn't report on people defending themselves.

  10. Obviously another clueless Liberal Idiot.


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