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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Free Candy For The Liberals?


  1. Perfect reason to stop illegal immigration!

  2. They wouldn't - they have their own bowl that is poison free - this bowl is for the citizens.....

  3. 7:29 PM you hit the nail right on the head!

  4. Let's turn this around and look at like this: Every time there is a mass shooting in the US, there is a call for gun control, but the pro-gun people scream you can't blame all of us upstanding citizens because a few crazy people used guns to kill innocent people. Yet you want to vilify an entire group of people because of their religion because there are some radical people that follow that religion that kill people. It is the second largest religious group in the world - 1.6 billion people are muslims which is about 23% of the world's population.

    1. Your logic is flawed.

      The sheer numbers of the violently deluded worldwide, is reason enough to keep them out.

      Even if only 1% are "crazy fanatics", that is still 16 million rabid Islamists. Even if only 1% of those make an attempt to reach the US to harm us, that is still 160,000 coming here. And it only took about a dozen of them to cause so much devastation and loss to Paris.

  5. 8:16 - if the radical slimes had not been proclaiming "Death to..." for the past few decades and the non-radical slimes would help us hunt down the radical slimes your argument might have a gram of merit.....

    However, neither of those two are in fact happening - so the non-radical slimes are supporting the radical slimes...they're all the same!

  6. 8:16
    If they follow the quran than they are not innocent. There are several verses that call for the killing of the nonbeliever. They will try to tell you it says not to kill innocent people....however you are not innocent unless you are muslim.

    Think back to all the mass shootings with guns. Every one of them have been found to be mental in some way or the other. Are you saying that muslims are mental?

    The muslim can look you in the eye and lie to your face if it benefits their religion, so while they are telling you they are peaceful don't count on it when the chips are down.

  7. Then you are all f'd and better be looking over both shoulders since 1 in 4 people on earth are muslim.

    1. As long as it isn't 1 in 4 here in this country.

  8. No, but they would let their kids eat a handful.

  9. You felll right into the trap. There are far more dangerous people per capita right here in salisbury but you don't do anything about it. The truth is you are hate filled poor excuses for human beings hiding behind the "i'm a good christian" banner.

  10. Flawed logic is flawed.

    Try this: The majority of the prison population is made up of Christians, therefore, Christians are untrustworthy criminals.

    Doesn't really ring true, now does it.

  11. 11:49
    Sorry your theory does't hold water. If they were following the teaching of the Bible as they should have been they wouldn't be in jail. The same doesn't hold true for the teaching in the quran. They are promised virgins and little boys in paradise for doing these atrocious acts.

  12. 7:29 Is right. They would probably also give the bowl to the children while telling everyone. It's for the children!

  13. 10:04
    "The muslim can look you in the eye and lie to your face if it benefits their religion, so while they are telling you they are peaceful don't count on it when the chips are down."
    The American can look you in the eye and lie to your face if it benefits their wallet, so while they are telling you they are a Christian nation don't count on it when the chips are down.
    Examples: Car salesman, lawyers, lobbyists, politicians, corporate scientists, oil tycoons, big pharma and I could go on and on and on. Do you have any examples to back up your argument 10:04 because I have MILLIONS.

  14. "The American can look you in the eye and lie to your face if it benefits their wallet, so while they are telling you they are a Christian nation don't count on it when the chips are down."

    Only if you are a sucker. And at the end of the day, at least you still have your head on your shoulders. Can't really say that about your muslim buddies.


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