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Saturday, November 07, 2015

Founding Fathers Added 2nd Amendment to Protect Us a Government that Would Turn Against Us

Watch Ben Swann rip apart the all the gun control pundits who have been casually rewriting the 2nd Amendment.

We’ve heard ridiculous claims that the 2nd Amendment is “outdated” or worthless because the government is armed to the teeth far and away over the citizenry. We’ve heard semantic arguments that the 2nd Amendment never meant for “individuals” to protect themselves but was only for “militias” (as if a militia is not comprised of individuals).

The bottom line?
“The Second Amendment is not about hunting, or even just defense of your own home,” Swann says. “It was written by men who ultimately believed that governments and armies would turn on their own people.”

1 comment:

  1. This is no surprise to anyone that paid attention in school. My high school civics teacher at Wihi in 1990 told us that. It was reinforced by my 10th grade US History teacher as well. I would like to also point out that my parents never talked about this. So why has this message been lost?


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