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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ed Klein, Dick Morris: Rubio, Cruz Strongest Against Clinton

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are likely the strongest candidates against Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' expected presidential nominee, according to a Newsmax TV panel.

Appearing Thursday on "Newsmax Prime," political analyst Dick Morris said Rubio would be strongest, perhaps followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who currently is sinking in the polls. Front-runner Donald Trump likely would not do well, he said.

Morris says the other front-runner, neurosurgeon Ben Carson will fade, and Trump may, too. The eventual contest, he said, will be Rubio and Cruz.

"Rubio is more charismatic, he's more attractive, he has a warmer television personality, he has a reputation for congeniality, and a Kennedy-esque appearance. On the other hand, Cruz has a distinct substantive advantage."



  1. Glad being charismatic and more attractive is what we are looking for in a leader. Goes to show the sad state of our nation.

  2. Cruz is too extreme to beat Hillary, Rubio has a real possibility of doing it.

  3. That is great news for Clinton.

  4. Morris looking to remain a pundit on Neocon news channels ..he is old news..a has been ..didn't he get fired by some Allinsky like attack by the Clintons for some weird sexual preference?


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