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Saturday, November 07, 2015

‘Don’t Lie!’: An Infuriated Ben Carson Blows Up at Media During News Conference Over Scholarship Story

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson blasted reporters Friday evening, contending the media had largely misreported a story about his claim to have been offered a West Point scholarship.

On Friday morning, Politico reported that Carson admitted to having “fabricated” a story about being offered a scholarship to attend West Point. That report was hotly contested and Politico ultimately amended it, later adding an editor’s note.

Carson was answering questions at a news conference when a reporter implied he said he received a full scholarship.

“I never said I received a full scholarship,” the retired neurosurgeon quipped back. “I never said — wait a minute, don’t lie! I never said I received a full scholarship. Nowhere did I say that.”

“There have been reports today—,” the reporter said.

“Politico, as you know, told a bold-faced lie,” Carson said. “They have been called out on it by The Washington Post and The New York Times and I’m sure there will be several others who call them out on that. Because there are actually some people with integrity in your business.”



  1. Yeah, let's see Obama's scholarship and academic records, just to be fair.

  2. Thank you for standing up to the liars.

  3. They'll not change. They have an agenda.

  4. The Press stinks! Good for Carson---I stand
    behind him all the way to the top & hope like
    heck he makes it. God help us if Hilary gets
    in there-----we're doomed!!!

  5. Democrats the party of lynching

  6. Was this guy separated at birth from Brian Williams?

  7. Plese, the guy writes this in his book and then complains becasue it is reported on. I supoort Ben Carson, but he screwed the pooch on this one, Damage control.

  8. Most people running for an office are going to embellish their education and other past experiences to make themselves sound better.

  9. He's toast.It may be French Toast or Melba Toast,or maybe even a toasted bagel but he's still toast.


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