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Monday, November 16, 2015

Do You Agree?


  1. Yes, that's pretty much it.

  2. That's what it's like to try and talk reason to a liberal

  3. Yep, that would be it.

  4. Isn't it strange how they always want someone to have lunch(or whatever) with them and THEN take the phone out? I invested in a pocket cell phone jammer that I automatically turn on when I go to a restaurant with a person or persons.It covers about a 25' radius & guarantees their undivided attention.However,if a doctor or anyone who could possibly receive an emergency call walks in I immediately turn it off.

  5. This is so true I know I always turn my phone off when I am with friends, or in a restaurant, church, Bingo or anywhere it can be a disruption to others, the world does not need to hear our conversations, they can wait.

  6. 9:45, some emergency personnel and doctors aren't always in uniform. I think it's rude when people take phone calls/text in restaurants, but I don't think it's your place to be blocking others phone calls.

  7. November 16, 2015 at 9:45 AM

    so you know every Dr. in town?

  8. 11:57-Yes I do,and I recognize those who I do not know personally.I can guarantee that my actions have never inhibited their phone calls or their ability to respond to any and all emergencies.

  9. Anon 9:45, It's not your place to block anyone's phone calls, unless it's your own kid.


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