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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Dick Morris: Hey Christie — It's Time to Quit Race

It's time for Gov. Chris Christie to drop out of this cluttered, overcrowded race for president.

Polling data out this past weekend shows what a train wreck his campaign has been: The ABC News poll has him at just 2 percent.

Last week the Farleigh Dickinson University poll of New Jersey voters have their “hometown” governor in an embarrassing fourth place – trailing badly behind Trump, Carson and Rubio.

In “must win” New Hampshire, a new CBS poll has Christie in seventh place – this after mounting a herculean effort in the Granite State.



  1. I do believe the closer you get to next November you will see Trump really fall in ratings or drop out as he has done before. Christie is someone who has done more roles and has more exoerience than the others I hope he stays in. Look what he did for New Jersey after the hurricaine and fire damage. And Louisiana has still never recovered, the ninth ward is still in Fema trailers and temporary housing. The only things that were totally rebuilt were the restaurants, hotels and home for the wealthy. And the worst is still needed the levi's, another category 4 hurricaine will level all of Louisiana.

  2. Hey 11:11 if he still in the ball game next November will be running for president I don't think he's going to drop out


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