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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Cruz: Preserve All IRS-tea Party Investigation Documents

Already planning for a GOP president in 2017, Sen. Ted Cruz sent a letter Monday demanding that the Justice Department preserve all documents from its completed investigation into the IRS’s tea party targeting, saying too many questions still remain.

Mr. Cruz, a Texas Republican who is himself seeking his party’s presidential nomination, said the department’s decision to close the investigation and clear IRS employees of any wrongdoing was a sign of just how broken the Justice Department has become.

“It is important for you and other officials in this Administration to understand that this administration’s decisions to neither continue this investigation nor appoint a special prosecutor do not represent the conclusion of this matter,” Mr. Cruz said in a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. “Given this Administration’s refusal to conduct itself appropriately, or take the issue of the potential illegal conduct of IRS employees seriously, any subsequent administration should reserve the right to reopen the matter, conduct its own investigation, or appoint a special prosecutor to conduct an investigation.”

Mr. Cruz charged Ms. Lynch with preserving all documents obtained by her investigators during their probe, and said copies should be given to the National Archives and to the department’s inspector general so they could also preserve them.

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1 comment:

  1. elect Ted and he will prosecute these Felons


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