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Monday, November 30, 2015

C.J. Pearson, Conservative Black Teen, Breaks Away From GOP

The 13-year-old who made waves online with his conservative videos criticizing President Obama and others is now saying he no longer affiliates himself with the Republican party.

C.J. Pearson told CNN on Friday that he could no longer be a mouthpiece for conservatism due to issues he saw with the GOP’s viewpoints on racial and gender disparity and youth issues.

“I was tired of being a champion of a party that turned a blind eye to racial discrimination. Tired of being a champion of any cause that denies equal rights to every American. Tired of being a champion of a party that doesn’t care about the issues important to young people,” C.J. wrote in an email to CNN.

“My generation is one of the most politically diverse ever, and I’ll continue to be a voice but one that looks at issues objectively,” he said. “My views on the issues aren’t going to be dictated by one political platform or another.”

More here


  1. I don't believe he was ever conservative. this was a set up. period.

  2. The dumbocrats bribed him with a new XBOX!

  3. his generation is not the most politically diverse they are the most politically correct and to be honest they appear to be the most racist we are going backwards and the younger generation is leading the charge following their pied piper

  4. As always when someone calls you a racist means that they are racist.

  5. Because I care what a 13 year old thinks.

  6. I don't blame him. Shoot if I was a muslim I wouldn't want to be part of that either right now. Too much hate and vitriol from there too!

  7. Like I always say, anything is for sale if the price is right..

  8. I guess he was called an Uncle Tom to many times. He had such a bright future. Now all I can see is UMES and affirmative action in his future. Lmao. Once again the world's black hopefuls show their true colors.

  9. I didn't read the article because he is 13. He believes in Monsters under his bed, Santa might be real And he gets tucked in at night time.

  10. Once a thug always a thug. Worthless punk.

  11. He is right. The WASPs have done anything and everything to try to keep control of the party. Republican party should and will fail and will be replaced by something better.

  12. He could think enough to put forth his opinion and have it be taken seriously. More than I can say for most of commenters on here.


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