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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Chick-fil-A, Hobby Lobby Lead in New ‘Faith Equality Index’

Taking a page out of numerous groups’ playbooks, a marketing company has issued its first annual index on how welcoming more than 100 companies are to the 41 million-strong consumer base of devout Christians.

Seven companies received the highest scores in the new Faith Equality Index, issued Monday by Faith Driven Consumer, although none came close to a perfect score on the survey’s 100-point scale.

The new rating tool uses that scale to measure businesses’ outreach and welcoming treatment of the massive consumer base of people who use their biblical worldview when they shop.

Chick-fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Tyson Foods, Wal-Mart, Cracker Barrel, Interstate Batteries and Thrivent Financial are the 2016 leading companies in the first Faith Equality Index, said Chris Stone, founder of Faith Driven Consumer and a certified brand strategist.

“The [Faith-Driven Consumer] community has been asking, really clamoring, for this [index]. … They are actively seeking a brand that will welcome, embrace and celebrate them,” Mr. Stone said in an interview.

More here


  1. And almost always in proximity of each other.

  2. These companies are successful because they have standards and morals. When they were attacked by the media, it only grew the companies stronger. Honored and proud to do business, quality products and quality people. A TRUE american company.

    1. Exactly! !! I don't shop anything gay or GOD intolerance. Used to drink Sam Adams beer for years. I loved that beer. Then a couple of years ago they were crying because Boston did want gays marching in the St. Patrick's day parade. They boycotted the parade do I quit buying it. How many gays drink beer??

    2. Are you kidding??

      They're successful DESPITE integrating their standards and morals into their business practices. For every one that has done so, I can name you fifty that have leveraged low standards, immoral and unethical business dealings into quite a successful enterprise.

      They capitalize on their public image as upstanding, unimpeachably moral, and paragons of integrity, for numerous reasons. This serves to help assuage the consumer's secret subconscious guilt at buying products which, by themselves, may represent the ugly side of a hypermaterialistic, throwaway culture driven by instant self-gratification, deliberately disconnected by marketing teams from the sometimes appalling and exploitative reality of the product's origin.

  3. I think you're educated beyond your intellect, 4:28.
    They're successful because they do things the right way and people like that.

  4. That's a whole lot of big words, 428! I like them because they stand on good morals and have backbone and quality products.

  5. DQ (North Salisbury location) and Cook Out (South Salisbury) are two local places of business that are Christian-friendly. I feel really appreciated when I go there...even though I know the food is not the best for any healthy diet.


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