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Friday, November 06, 2015

Burglary In Hebron

There's been a burglary at The Farmers Wife Produce in Hebron.


  1. I wondered what happened. When I drove by this morning, there were A LOT of police cars and the entrance was taped off. I thought someone had been murdered there.

  2. Criminals are getting bolder by the day, that business is right out on the highway

  3. Why such the big polive presences for a burglary? Cops doing whatbthe fire dept does overkill?

    1. I have to agree with you it is overkill probably a cop eatery like how fireman hangout at grocery stores.

  4. 9:54 such an enlightening comment. hope you never need either agency!

  5. The food at the Farmers Wife is so good I hope everyone is ok.

  6. Hmmm they must know somebody at Sheriff's Office. My neighbors house was broken into and one cop showed up. Oh well hope they catch the thiefs.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:54 such an enlightening comment. hope you never need either agency!

    November 6, 2015 at 10:12 AM

    He's right about all the fire companies in Wicomico County. The volunteers and paid departments alike are overkill.

  8. and have you seen how they park? I have seen them in a ladder truck I think it was, park diagonally by the front door of Royal Farms on Snow Hill Rd. blocking handicapped spaces and the area people drive through. No consideration for others.


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