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Tuesday, November 03, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Pentagon official says 'there is no way' Russian airliner was shot down

A Pentagon official tells Fox News 'there is no way' a Russian airliner that crashed Saturday in the Sinai 'was brought down by a missile or anti-aircraft fire,' though intelligence officials are not yet ruling out some sort of terrorist act.


  1. It was a bomb, everyone already knows that, duh!

  2. Never trust what the government says. Seek the truth for yourselves.

  3. They had a couple of Muslim passengers, pretty easy to figure out who carried a bomb aboard and blew themselves up. Media is afraid to say so.

  4. In this case it pays to wait for investigation results.I see no conspiracy here.Our satellite picked up the flash and the pilots,crew and passengers never knew what hit them.The ONLY thing we need to know is if the explosion was internal or external.If it was internal it was a bomb.If it was external it was a missile or a mid air collision with another aircraft.


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