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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: 'Explosive device' may have brought down Russian jet, British PM's office announced

The Russian airliner that crashed in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 224 people, “may well have been brought down by an explosive device,” a spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron announced.


  1. Said that back when it first was blown up. The plane passenger list had some Muslims on it, real easy to figure out what they wanted to fly for.

  2. If it gets traced back to us, then this could be the start of WW3!!!
    After all Obama is a Muslim sympathizer!

  3. just another false flag...

  4. Huh...so we were running arms through Libya- I think Ambassador Stevens was going to rat them out, so Hillary has him killed...what were they running though Libya? Maybe MANPADS? All Part of Dear Leader's plan to destabilize the middle east. The reason the MSM is so quick to rule out rocket launchers is because they know they will be traced back to Hillary. But, hey, what difference at this point does it make?

  5. While the loss of innocent life aboard the plane is tragic, as far as the fight against Isis goes, this could be good. Putin isn't Obama. Putin isn't a sniveling little coward. IF Russia ties this to Isis, Putin might just nuke the sh!t out of every last one of them.

    1. Hence why all the muslim male cowards are running to Europe.

    2. I agree with 5:40 and.....Don't mistake Russia with the rest of Europe. Same continent, ENTIRELY different mindset.

  6. Mr. President, tell me again about the JV.


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