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Sunday, November 08, 2015


The Bank of Delmarva was just robbed on Eastern Shore Drive. 


  1. Hope it was PNC bank, I hate them!

  2. Nope. Can't be. Crime is down..... Isn't it?

  3. If this trend continues to any degree, we'll no doubt see the area banks start pulling out, too.
    Salisbury & Wicomico County leaders, you've let drugs and thugs destroy you, your credibility and our future.

  4. Shhhhhh!
    Don't talk about crime!
    Jake Day says "let's eliminate that, and let's not talk about that".

    Crime is NOT a part of Salisbury's "brand"!

    Day needs to go and enter a twerking contest. That's something more along the lines of his intellect and capabilities.

    1. You my friend << (sarcasm) are an idiot. I can already tell that you are most likely a welfare receiving societal mooch that is upset that Jake Day is gonna make get a job to support your poor choices/habits. Start looking now, cause the welfare teet is about to dry up, not just here in Salisbury, but as a nation hopefully as well.

  5. How do you "brand" a place that gave away its history, albeit a lackluster one based on racism and good old boy profiteering. Nothing to celebrate here. But the more you drink, the easier it is to celebrate nothing at all, so let's have more bars.

  6. The lobby is open on Saturday? I thought only drive in windows were open.

  7. Blame everything on "racism" and a long standing network of investors.

  8. i bet you ANYTHING the perpetrators live within running distance...
    just like the seafood market robbery...
    AND the bank on riverside...
    AND the royal farms store on snow hill...
    these rats nests are EVERYWHERE around this 'town'

  9. middle eastern male

  10. " Anonymous said...

    If this trend continues to any degree, we'll no doubt see the area banks start pulling out, too.
    Salisbury & Wicomico County leaders, you've let drugs and thugs destroy you, your credibility and our future.

    November 7, 2015 at 12:29 PM"

    Exactly right and the only places left for people who don't have transportation to do their "banking" will be the predatory cash checking and lending business that charge a small fortune. That's what happens when you chose to ignore crime!

    Yeah go and find that twerking contest Day, you smuck!

  11. Where is SPD.advance crime unit lol

  12. Salisbury seems to be the go-to place to rob a bank and get away with it. I'm sure Kaiser King and kolb are right on top of it...on the golf kourse.

  13. The FAKE MAYOR DAY is so inept this will be a fast moving decline into more bars, more trashy people, more thugs, and let's not talk about crime it's not our brand. But the fact is, the truth is,WE ALL NEED TO TALK ABOUT CRIME AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, WE ALL NEED TO RID CRIME IN THE mayor's "bury". I think it's more than time to stop using the name bury too. It sounds even thug-ish. Why isn't the past mayor, the so-called current mayor, and the police force getting a much better handle on the crime in this small city?

  14. you are all mistaken, there wasn't a bank robbery as this event was downgraded to "shoplifting" of a little cash.

    See, crime just went down.

  15. I thought duncant spent thousands on a computer program that predicts where crime will occur, guess that was money well spent.

  16. So much for crime not being a problem. On FB this evening-

    "*TRAPT CONCERT HELP*** Nothing is more important than helping a brother in need. This bike was stolen during the Trapt concert last night at Headquarters Live. If you saw this bike please contact myself, Jim Brady, or the Salisbury Police Dept. SOMEONE SAW SOMETHING! Please call even if it is anonymous. Thank you for your help!"

    The "bike" is a Harley stolen between 8:30 last night and 1am this morning from HL. Sby PD was notified.

    Yes, let's not discuss crime!

  17. The guy in the surveillance video is a zombie.Do I have to tell you people everything?


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