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Friday, November 13, 2015

Bob Dole Endorses Jeb Bush

Former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole has endorsed Jeb Bush for president and will serve as the former Florida governor's National Veterans’ Chairman, according to the campaign.

Dole said that while almost all of the candidates are his friends, he believes Bush is the most qualified.

“Jeb has the proven leadership skills and executive experience needed to fix the problems facing our country – from the anemic economy to America's weakened standing among world leaders,” Dole said in a statement. “Jeb's conservative reform agenda and forward looking vision on issues including 4 percent economic growth, defeating ISIS and taking care of our veterans are in stark contrast to Hillary Clinton’s strategy to continue the failed policies of the present Administration.”



  1. Leave it to Senator Dole to give his party a sanity check.

  2. 10:42 Sanity Check? all he is doing is following his establishment role. the same establishment that has been handed elections and has done nothing.

  3. If the Republican candidate is Jeb Bush I will not bother to vote.

  4. No Bush. No Clinton.

  5. 11:48 if you want a chance to vote, scroll down right side Make America Great again,
    and donate and volunteer. You may not have a chance, but you would have tried.
    Thank you

  6. Dole was an honorable man back in the day. Times have changed and Jeb is NOT the answer.


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