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Thursday, November 05, 2015

‘Black Power’ Administrator Costs University $4.8 Million

A historically black college in St. Louis, Mo., has been forced to cough up $4.85 million to a fired professor when a court found the woman was fired for being white.

Beverly Wilkins was a professor at Harris-Stowe State University’s College of Education from 2001 until 2010, when she was fired. In 2012, though, she struck back with a lawsuit, saying her departure wasn’t for budgetary or performance reasons but instead was due to an administrator’s vendetta against the white race.

According to Wilkins’ lawsuit, she started to be pushed out at Harris-Stowe after the college hired Latisha Smith as a faculty member in 2007. Smith was quickly promoted to assistant dean and then dean of the College of Education, and Wilkins said she subscribed to a “black power” ideology that drove her to purge the college of all whites. In 2010 Wilkins was fired, with Smith blaming the move on state budget cuts. Wilkins says every white professor at the school was ultimately let go, except for one protected by tenure. Meanwhile, only one black professor was let go, and it was due to a sex crime conviction.



  1. funny how the tides are turning.

  2. Good for her not to back down. Good job

  3. She "no longer serves as dean", but apparently was not fired.


    I found it amusing, however, that Ms. Smith hired two black men to do Ms. Wilkins job...but paid each of them individually LESS money.

  4. White people and their tax dollars need to come together.

  5. But what if there was a "Historically White" College? White folks would be crucified for such, yet the opposite is ok. If all of these race baiters and activists REALLY want equality then how about they start playing on an even playing field. They DO NOT want equality, they want an advantage. If anything, the white male is the one oppressed in today's society.

  6. Sounds like it's time for a full audit at this school, too.

  7. Nice !!!!!!!!!!!!! Winds of change are blowing. Enough is enough

  8. Anonymous said...
    But what if there was a "Historically White" College? White folks would be crucified for such, yet the opposite is ok. If all of these race baiters and activists REALLY want equality then how about they start playing on an even playing field. They DO NOT want equality, they want an advantage. If anything, the white male is the one oppressed in today's society.

    November 6, 2015 at 8:59 AM

    You are correct because blacks are:
    Getting the jobs
    Getting the promotions
    Getting the sports positions
    Sleeping with white women
    Getting staring roles in movies
    Getting welfare when needy white men can't.
    Getting food stamps
    Getting medicaid.

    Heck white women are choosing other women to sleep with these days over white men. White men don't have a chance in Hell in America any longer.


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