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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Because Walls Work


  1. The border closings were reported 9 days ago on CNN and in the following Day's broadcast by Alex Jones ...look it up ..A UN Climate Policy Conference is set to take place there. surely so they can militarize Paris as they militarized Chicago when they hosted a NATO conference

    then we hear a week later spun as a response to terror..
    I expect some drama with the Conference that so far has not been dove-tailed into Obama's never ending media narrative

  2. They obviously didn't "militarize" Chicago enough, including walling it off to contain the savages.

  3. Our borders need to be closed and we need to demand that our Congress starts the process. Do you hear me Andy Harris! What is your response? I don't hear you!

  4. Please close our borders or we are going to be in the same position that France is in right now.

  5. Baltimore alone has 300 dead on the streets this year seems like a state of emergency should be put in place.

    1. Are you kidding? That's the new normal for BRB.

  6. France closes their borders overnight. The U.S. has been trying for 50 years and still can't do it.

  7. Closes their borders and takes immediate action on ISIS strongholds. Keep the refugees out, we don't want this to happen here.

  8. Good fences (walls) do good neighbors make.

  9. People they are already here wake the fk up. If you do not believe they are here then you are a mouth breathing idiot. Yes the borders need to be secured. We need to fence in Detroit lol. The real issue is they are here. Take a look at Baltimore, Ferguson, Compton. They are domestic terrorist. We need to clean America up from the inside out. America needs an enema. I say drop every Democrat in Syria see how long they last lol.

  10. Wouldn't it be great if Trump could go up against Obama in a debate. Trump would have Obama babbling.


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