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Thursday, November 19, 2015

AP on FOIA Request: State Department Taking Too Long Producing Clinton Docs

The Associated Press scolded the State Department for taking too long releasing documents related to Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, according to a court filing obtained by Politico.

Using a Freedom of Information Act request, the AP asked for Clinton's public schedule for the years she was in office, but was told it would take a month to produce 400 pages.

At that rate, the AP calculated, it would take more than four years to produce all her schedules.

"AP (and the citizens of this nation) should not have to wait another four years, long after the 2016 election in which Secretary Clinton is a presidential candidate, to receive a full set of her schedules from her tenure as Secretary of State," the court filing reads. "AP respectfully suggests that a reasonable production schedule would require State to produce all of Secretary Clinton's 'mini schedules' and 'final schedules' no later than the Spring of 2016."



  1. Doesn't the AP know that they have to go through all those documents and shred what they don't want to give them.

  2. It's easy she was traveling the world talking bout women's rights in places like China and the middle east. Effective wasn't she?

  3. They will have to black out some of the places she has already been to for national security reasons! (Sic)


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