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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Viewer Writes: CFO of PRMC

Joe...Maryland judiciary case search. Bruce Ritchie. If that's not enough do one on Herb Geary. The Chief financial officer AND the chairman of the board of trustees have DUI's. Is that really what we want as a community? Why is it the board had determined that is ok for the last three years? Why is this acceptable?  


  1. How do we know it's the same people? If so huge stink. A lot of employees have lost their jobs for having a Dwi!!

  2. PRMC is a private entity. Crawl back under your rock now.

  3. Unless they were driving a company car at the time, it's irrelevant to their positions.

  4. who hasn't had a dui? get back to us when you have something important

  5. 10:20, You've got the be kidding me, right? This must be the EBT Blogger trying to stir the pot.

  6. Seriously? If its more than one DUI then it is a concern Hopefully they learned from their mistake.

  7. I haven't had a DUI...anybody else?

  8. I've never had a DUI and this certainly is of concern.

    1. Why is this "certainly of concern"? Serious question. I know quite a few executives, my cop uncle and 2 lawyers that have had duis. It happens.

  9. It is so sad that our legal system has gone to hell in a hand basket.
    I saw on the judicial report that Calvin Krause AKA CR has a record a mile long including recent DUI and drugs , however he is in charge of the westside community center and your children. Thanks to our X Wicomico executive,Ricky. Just look this guys record up judicial search. Oh well , it is what it is.

  10. Bruce is a good guy and great exec. This is a non issue and it might not even be the same guy. Those are both pretty common names.


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