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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

8th-Grader: School Punished Me for Hugging Friend

Add hugging to the list of activities that could land you in trouble at school.

A Florida eighth-grader was given detention for hugging a classmate before the class bell rang for the day.

Jackson Heights Middle School student Ella Fishbough told WKMG the hug lasted for "literally a second."
Fishbough said it was the second incident between Ella and the same boy. She was given a warning last month when the boy put his hand on her head.

"I do think about inappropriate touching and boys and girls of this age having feelings for one another, but that's not what we're dealing with here. And if administration can't tell the difference between a friendly, 'How are you doing' hug and an inappropriate hug, then I think we have another big problem," said Fishbough.


  1. This is the slow gradual overtake of parental rights by the state.
    Why are people forced to send their children to government schools?

    Why does this liberal Marxist retard have influence over our children?

  2. Just say no to hugs.


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