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Monday, November 16, 2015

14 Syrian refugees resettled in Louisiana this year

NEW ORLEANS, La. — Gov. Bobby Jindal has told the White House he wants to know how many Syrian refugees have been placed in Louisiana. The Republican said he wants that and other information “in hopes that the night of horror in Paris is not duplicated here.”

Jindal released his letter Saturday, a day after the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for attacks that killed 129 people and wounded 350 in Paris.

Fourteen Syrians have been resettled in Louisiana: one in Baton Rouge and the rest in New Orleans and suburban Kenner, the State Department told WWL-TV (http://bit.ly/1PuLFY6) on Sunday.

A spokesman for President Barack Obama said Sunday that the administration is continuing with its plan to thoroughly vet and resettle up to 10,000 Syrian refuges in the United States in 2016. The State Department said they’ll be spread across the country.



  1. didn't SRB say sometime in the last few weeks that she wanted to "take-in" 10,000 or so refugees in baltimore?

  2. Might as well "spread them across the country" so that their targets will never be more than a few hours away from any of them.
    And, of course, THOSE Syrian "refugees" will be nothing like the Syrian refugees that just shut down the entire country of France and murdered innocent civilians. Nothing at all, because Obama is going to make sure of it (like the $2500 health savings and the most transparent government ever seen, and so forth. Just trust him.
    I can't believe that our president, whose NUMBER ONE JOB is protecting AMERICAN security, is doing this.
    Anyone think that Roosevelt would have allowed thousands of Germans or Japanese into our country after THEY attacked us????
    It takes hard work to be that stupid.
    Keep cheering.

  3. This is America, remember?? They will be FREE to go wherever they want without any supervision. Ideal situation for a terrorist.

  4. I am all for a chip implant for the secular...

  5. I called Governor Hogans office and asked him to refuse entry to any "refugees" from the Middle East. 1-800-811-8336.

  6. Why are you guys even commenting. There are more guns in this country. There are plenty of racist and radical militia groups in this country. There are plenty of white and black supermacist groups standing by. We have our Corruptible government monitoring the Syrians every move. So, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the things you have absolutely no control over. Don't worry. There's plenty of back up.

  7. 1 - 10000..... It dosent matter. Just say no.

  8. the president is a LIAR period...

  9. Vet them to the point they have to discredit the radicals - most won't - then ship them back!

  10. I have a feeling the states are about to find out their rights don't extend that far.

  11. I'm sure all the military Muslims that did mass shootings were vetted also.


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