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Friday, October 09, 2015

‘Why Aren’t We Seeing Hillary’s Lovers?’ Demands Matt Drudge

In an EPIC and rare interview with Matt Drudge on the Alex Jones Show, Drudge lays it out hard and cold against Hillary and her sheeple. This is a must watch:

As the media continues to dredge out the alleged sexual victims of formerly beloved comedian Bill Cosby, Matt Drudge, the independent proprietor of one of the most organically trafficked news sites on the web, is asking why no journalists are probing into the rumored sordid life of one of the next possible leaders of the free world: Hillary Clinton.

Drudge admitted, during a special, rare appearance on the Alex Jones Show Tuesday, he’s seen as a “right wing gossip monger” by the left “mainly because of Lewinsky and those years, which,” he says, “by the way are back.”

“Where I’ve had a lot of success is I’m getting people from both sides of the aisle,” Drudge said. “They’ve always said, ‘oh, he’s a right-wing gossip monger,’ mainly because of Lewinsky and those years–which, by the way, are back.”

“Why aren’t we seeing Hillary’s lovers? … Where’s the coverup on this?” Drudge highlighted. “So many issues that are suppressed on a daily basis.”

The former secretary of state, currently running for president despite being embroiled in a slew of scandals, has been accused frequently in the past of homosexual activity.



  1. I am definitely no fan of Hillary. But her "lovers" are nobody's business.

  2. 1109-Why not? We all know she married Bill due to political aspirations, and let him run around on her for 40 years, because she's probably into a different "type" of person. Why can't she be honest, for once in her life.

  3. I am a fan of revealing any truth about Hillary that ensures her demise. Her election would be ruinous.

  4. 11:09 must be a friggin Liberal nutcase!

  5. Dems expose others' personal affairs for political manipulation so why not the Republicans? It works both ways.

  6. It won't be that long before we have a gay President anyway.

  7. 7:00 It is going to happen, better prepare yourself.

  8. Personally I think Carson sounds pretty gay when he talks.

  9. It's pretty certain that Chelsea's father is Webster Hubbell. They even look alike and Bill has supposedly stated that he is sterile.


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