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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

What the Secret Service Has to Say About Hillary Clinton

Perhaps it’s a little cliché to say this, but most politicians have no real substance. They really only have two primary skills, which is acting and public relations. They are nothing more than professional election winners, and anyone with a half a brain knows that the politician you see on stage is a different person behind the curtain. However, this fact applies more to Hillary Clinton than any other presidential candidate.

According to The First Family Detail, a book that investigates the lives of Secret Service agents, Hillary Clinton is probably the nastiest, most abusive individual in American politics today. Behind the scenes she talks down to everyone that works for her, and throws tantrums at the slightest provocation. She frequently cusses out agents for driving over bumps, screamed at an electrician for replacing a light bulb in her presence, and even fired the White House usher for communicating with Barbara Bush. Secret Service agents actually hide from her when she shows up, and those that are assigned her detail consider it a form of punishment.



  1. Saw this picture on the Drudge Report. Definitely a face of pure evil! Can't understand why she isn't in prison for her crimes! What an arrogant evil witch she is!!!!

  2. They forgot to mention she's a liar.

  3. Liar, b.s. artist, Havana Cigar girl.

  4. SS get her ass on a go pro.


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