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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What Is Up With The Daily Times and the MSM? Gas Station-Police Shooting Story

In today's print edition of the daily times they covered an Associated Press, (copy & paste) story on the shooting yesterday involving a Maryland State Trooper. While I was tipped off by a viewer, their article, (the DT's) was quite disturbing. 

The idea that the LIBERAL newspapers and press are making just about everything to do with white on black shootings. There's one original statement out of the entire story that in my opinion is completely out of line.

Jansen, who is white, has been placed on routine administrative leave. The man he shot was black, police said. Race has not been raised as a factor in the shooting, but it comes amid a national debate about the deaths of black men at the hands of police.

The big question is, take both races out of it and the story in itself would have sold papers or garnished enough attention. My problem is, why make it out to be something it's not. The media are not investigators, they were not on the scene, yet they are playing with words to stir the pot in this case. 

In the Daily Times, (I'm told) they only published the cop was white and the victim was black and that's it. Again, WHY? In our day it was GOOD GUY vs. BAD GUY. There wasn't black vs. white. The race baiting needs to stop and I hope the people at the Daily Times come around and stop doing this because this isn't the first time they've done it. 


  1. the Daily Rag. i wouldn't wipe my butt with it though.

  2. Won't even use it for my dogs to pee on.. wacko, race baiting, loser paper... so is that other paper that is free--garbage

  3. The black man died of his own hand and actions. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

  4. They have less and less of a class act news paper. I really think maybe some lawsuits start charging them with false reporting, etc. maybe they will proof read their stories.

  5. Keep stirring up the non-issue, MSM.

  6. The rarely describe the race when blacks commit a crime. Even more rare is the mention of the crime. Mostly we just go by the cryptic names and make the logical conclusion.


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