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Monday, October 12, 2015

Welcome To SU


  1. I swear...if one more stupid college kid walks in front of my car looking at his or her phone...


  2. You know what is sad about this? They are all talking to each other.What happened to good ole conversation?

  3. I divorced my husband because he didn't know how to communicate but only through texting.

  4. Sad thing is they are probably all texting their heroin dealers to be more zombie like.

  5. SU students are less likely to be heroin addicts than the local population of high school dropouts.

  6. Replies
    1. Yep they are the ones ripping america apart bloody fools.

  7. It drives me nuts when I'm either entering or leaving Hardee's on Route 13 across from the college. This is exactly what the kids look like. They NEVER look up from their phones to see if a car is coming or pulling out. Kids walking just like the picture shown, kids on skateboards roaring out so fast from the tunnel you don't see them until they almost hit you, football players lugging their gear and talking and never looking where they are going. What is wrong with these children? Weren't they taught at a young age, to stop, look, and listen for approaching traffic BEFORE walking out across a driveway???? It really is basic common sense.

    I really believe these kids believe they are entitled to do whatever they want and the world they live in owes them everything and everyone else be damned.

    God help all of us if these are future leaders of tomorrow.

    I actually took time and watched these frozen minds one day and counted thirty kids only ONE young man actually stopped walking and looked in the direction of the drive for traffic. I pulled my car out and stopped and spoke to the young man and told him he was the only one I observed that actually paid attention to what he was doing and where he was going. It was interesting to note, he wasn't on a cell phone, or any device. He actually thanked me. I told him to keep the good work up. We waved good-bye. One young adult out of thirty within a twenty minute period. Not good odds.

  8. Honestly,I will not hire a person who does this constantly.Production levels fall to zilch when they are tethered to their phones.The other day I passed a worksite in Sby and a guy was texting or whatever with his cell phone while he was pushing a loaded wheelbarrow.Honest to god.


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