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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

'Walking while black' can be dangerous too, study finds

That’s because a recent study suggests motorists are less likely to stop for an African American pedestrian in a crosswalk. A black pedestrian’s wait time at the curb was about 32 percent longer than a white person’s. Black pedestrians were about twice as likely as white pedestrians to be passed by multiple vehicles.

The small but provocative study — conducted by researchers at Portland State University in Oregon and the University of Arizona — suggests that biases just outside people’s conscious awareness can make them less likely to yield to minority pedestrians. And that could put those pedestrians at risk, said Kimberly B. Kahn, an assistant professor of social psychology at Portland State University.

Put another way: Not only do black men have to worry about being hassled — and possibly shot — by police for simply being black, they have to worry about being run over by motorists.



  1. "Walking while Black"????? Is there no end to this nonsense? How about we all just stop the pity-party and get on with life?

  2. and why isn't this true of any other race of people? is this true in other countries or just in countries where criminals are idolized and cities are burned? maybe actions really do have serious consequences

  3. Maybe it's the arrogance of people who refuse to wait for traffic and just walk out in front of cars.

  4. I've been told that it was because people were getting tired of them moving slower when they saw a car approaching. I have done some (non-scientific) studies on the matter and it does appear that certain segments of our population do seem to move slower while crossing an intersection when a vehicle is approaching at normal speeds. The exception is when the vehicle it moving at an incredible rate and appears that is might not stop in time or slow down enough to where the impact could lead to a court case (lottery-type win).

    I could be wrong.

  5. I wish they would learn to cross at the cross walk instead of the middle of the street. Seems that is pretty dangerous too.

  6. Hmmmm Knockout gane ? By blacks Remember? ????????

  7. I just did read this post , 10:55 hits the nail on the head.
    Drive down any street in any part of the hood , they use the street to walk in and very seldom use any cross walks. This is pure fact , if you think it's racist , then you are the racist one.


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