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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Uniformed Missouri cop celebrating birthday at Olive Garden asked to leave because of duty firearm

A uniformed Kansas City, Mo., cop hoping to celebrate his birthday with lunch at Olive Garden on Sunday was kicked out because of his duty firearm.

A hostess caught sight of Officer Michael Holsworth’s holstered handgun as he waited for his family and asked the decorated officer to leave the restaurant at once, he ranted in a Facebook post Sunday afternoon.

“I never in my wildest thoughts would of thought this would happen in the Kansas City area. I see it happening all over the United States to other officers, but never thought it would of happened to me,” he wrote after leaving the restaurant.

It’s legal to openly carry handguns in Missouri, but the Olive Garden hostess told Holsworth guns were prohibited in the restaurant.




  2. What a shame. I used to like OG. Won't be back now. Plenty of other places to eat. Yes, all because of some punk hostess.

    A. Leo.

  3. Hey crooks, no guns at Olive Garden! You know what that means! Free money!

  4. Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyycott.

  5. If he was in uniform why was he having dinner with his family? He is supposed to be working NO .

  6. 1040, unlike other professions cops don't get lunch / dinner breaks, they work 12 hours ( in most cases) with no scheduled breaks. They eat between calls and leave their meals when called upon. Are you suggesting they should go without eating?

    1. Thats bs i worked with cops all my life,they get a meal time and i have never heard of a cop meeting family on duty they eat meal with there partners, don't get me wrong i will Never eat at OG again just something aint right with the story.

    2. You don't get a meal time. Eat when you can. Most times you can eat lunch but not at the same place everyday bc people complain your not working. Fact not fiction.

  7. OG isn't that great to begin with, and after reading this, there is no sense in wasting money at that place anymore.

    Why can't a police officer eat a meal? And why can't the officer see or meet his family at the restaurant to share some quality family time? These officers give so much to so many (many ungrateful people), I think they more than deserve a break with their family.

    I know anytime I see a police officer in a store or restaurant, I go up to them and shake their hand and say thank you for protecting me, I do the same for all soldiers as well. A simple "thank you" can mean so much. Try it sometime.

  8. Darden Corp... One would think they are greater than the sum of one dumb Hostess.
    Something like this could negate a multi million dollar advertising budget. Large numbers of people will avoid all of their Chains. I can cite JC Penny as an example of a company that surely wished it had kept politics out of it's stores.

  9. Lmao. I'm glad sheeple as above and officers are finally seeing the people are disgusted by them. What makes a cop better than any one to the point they don't have to obey by an establishments rules? Oh that's right. Cops have no rules! The I'm a cop 24/7 attitude needs to go. When your off your off. Even if in uniform take off your weapon. Most professional cops change at work anyway. Hmmm notice not one of them change here? They want to boost that power and grab the attention. Not professional at all. Just low life thugs.


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