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Monday, October 19, 2015

This Is How Much Not Having Health Insurance Will Cost Starting in 2016

WASHINGTON (AP) — The math is harsh: The federal penalty for having no health insurance is set to jump to $695, and the Obama administration is being urged to highlight that cold fact to help drive its new pitch for health law sign-ups.

That means the 2016 sign-up season starting Nov. 1 could see penalties become a bigger focus to motivate millions of people who have remained eligible for coverage, but uninsured. They’re said to be more skeptical about the value of health insurance.

Until now, health overhaul supporters have stressed the benefits of getting covered: taxpayer subsidies that pay roughly 70 percent of the monthly premium, financial protection against sudden illness or an accident, and access to regular preventive and follow-up medical care.

But in 2016, the penalty for being uninsured will rise to the greater of either – $695 or 2.5 percent of taxable income – for someone who goes without coverage for a full 12 months. This year the comparable numbers are $325 or 2 percent of income. While the increase isn’t good news, it does create a marketing opportunity.



  1. I have been fortunate enough to have health insurance through my employers and the plans, mostly bc/bs, pay 80/20 up to a set out of pocket max..These Obamacare plans with outrageous deductibles seem to me a bad deal. How many young people have upwards of 6k to pay before the insurance kicks in? But I guess thats the whole idea...get the young people who will most likely not use the insurance to cover the costs of the older ones who do. I guess they got what they voted for...

  2. Take me to jail where I can have all the coverage & everything else I need for as long as I'm there. If I couldn't afford this before, how can I afford it now?

  3. $695? That's what Obamacare costs EVERY MONTH!

    I'd gladly pay that instead!

  4. 7:09 Your going to self insure? You must be very rich.

  5. This is doing nothing forvillegals they are still going to the er when needed,the christian thing to do is insure them for $99 a month .

  6. This is doing nothing for illegals they are still going to the er when needed,the christian thing to do is insure them for $99 a month .


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