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Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Stunning "Explanation" An Insurance Company Just Used To Boost Health Premiums By 60%

It may not have been easy for Blue Cross Blue Shield to admit to their clients their premiums are set to rise by 60% due to Supreme Court-mandated tax known as "Obamacare" but it would have been the right thing.

Instead, in justifying the boost to the two-month medical premium from $867 to $1.365, the health insurer decided to use the following excuse: "With advances in medical technology, prescription drugs and ways to treat injuries and illnesses, Americans are living healthier lives. [i.e., living longer] Because of these changes, we must adjust your premium to stay in line with increased costs."



  1. Really?
    What a croc.

  2. The funny part is this is exactly what was suppose to happen from day 1. This is a modern redistribution of wealth. I can not wait until premiums are so high people will finally demand this crap be repealed. Then all the ones who get it for free will not because us working folks can not afford it any more.

  3. I wonder what state this is. This is for 2 months. I pay $1600 per month for a family of 4

  4. Liars, no common sense. Most will not be able to pay for this.

  5. What was that explanation again?

  6. If people are kiving longer healthier lives then by reasoning the cost they pay should be less due to 'healthier (not sick), longer (more premium income) lives' !

  7. May the great O burn eternally in hell.

  8. "Anonymous said...

    May the great O burn eternally in hell.

    October 1, 2015 at 6:26 PM"

    Yes he will burn in hell and so will all his supporters esp the ones who profess to be Christians. There is a special place in hell for them, a place from which they will never emerge. God hates Obama supporters because it is by them that Obama has been given a path to lie and cause destruction.

  9. Added 10,000 jobs for bureaucratic purposes and you get this cost increase.

    You still have a reason to abolish these 10,000 jobs of nothing but bureaucratic bull$hit positions that are in the way of dealing directly with your doctor and/or your insurance company!

    Get with it, folks! IT'S A SCAM!

  10. My BCBS premiums went up 49% beginning 2013, and I left them then. And now this. Wow.


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