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Friday, October 30, 2015

The standards have been adopted by 44 states.

The Common Core standards have drawn repeated criticism since their implementation.

62 percent of parents oppose the Common Core standards being implemented in their community.

Now, a third grader’s math quiz has been widely shared on the internet because a teacher marked the answer “5+5+5=15” wrong.



  1. Actually the teacher was wrong because the problem clearly stated 5x3 which verbally equates to 5 three times. If it had stated 3x5 then that verbally equates to 3 five times. The teacher is an idiot and I would be transferring my kid out of her class

  2. One of the most basic properties of whole-number — and integer, rational, real, and complex number, along with many more — multiplication is commutativity: for any two numbers A and B, A x B = B x A. Order does not matter in multiplication; adding 5 together 3 times is exactly the same as adding 3 together 5 times.

  3. Yep some more rainbow warrior agenda items. Hidden dangers of the rainbow a very good read.

  4. Only libatards could come up with something so stupid.

  5. An "array"???
    Millions learned their "times tables" and still remember them 50 years later.
    We didn't need any 6-10 step "array" or "matrix" to solve what USED to be very simple math problems.
    We are screwed, but the next generation is ROYALLY screwed.
    And you wonder why the clerk is absolutely flabbergasted when you give them a nickel extra to reduce the change you're given....
    Keep cheering.

  6. we need to dumb everything down so as to not offend "anyone."


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