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Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Mystery of Hillary's Missing Millions

Since Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in 2001, they have earned more than $230 million. But in federal filings the Clintons claim they are worth somewhere between $11 million and $53 million. After layering years of disclosures on top of annual tax returns, Forbes estimates their combined net worth at $45 million. Where did all of the money go? No one seems to know, and the Clintons aren’t offering any answers.

From 2001 to 2014 the power couple spent $95 million on taxes. Hillary’s 2008 presidential run cost her $13 million. Their two homes cost a combined $5 million, and the Clintons have given away $22 million to charity. All of this is according to FEC filings, property records and years of tax returns. Add it up and you get $135 million. If the Clintons made $230 million, spent $135 million and have just $45 million left over, what happened to the other $50 million?

“That’s kind of strange,” says Joe Biden’s accountant, Walter Deyhle. “You have to report all of your assets. You have to report assets that are owned by your spouse.”



  1. $50 million can stuff a lot of mattresses, keep a lot of people quiet, buy a lot of supporters and bury a lot of former business associates.

  2. they have all that $$ but they are still BROKE!

  3. the hildabeast strikes again with lies.

  4. Why is the American people so stupid when it comes to the Clinton's? They are corrupt, deceptive, and incapable of the truth, and yet they still are supported. It's amazing at the corruption and arrogance they live by, and always getting away with it.

  5. she may be a thief but at least she is sexy

  6. 12:17 - You give a whole new meaning to the word "sexy".. YUK

  7. Simple answer. They use the same accountant that Charlie Rangel uses


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