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Friday, October 30, 2015

The FBI Just Announced A Chilling Warning For Halloween That Everyone Should Know

According to the FBI, there may be a more sinister ghoul lurking about this Halloween. The FBI just issued a statement, warning police to be vigilant and on the lookout for an anarchist group known as the “National Liberation Militia.” The FBI stated that the group may be planning attacks on police while dressed in Halloween costumes.

The FBI is warning of a “Halloween Revolt” planned by anarchists https://t.co/mj3nwrV9U5

— New York Post Metro (@nypmetro) October 27, 2015

The warning is reminiscent of the recent shooting in Fort Meyers, Fl., where one man was killed and five were injured at the Zombicon, a charitable festival where people are dressed as zombies. The killer is still at large from the Zombicon shooting and the FBI is now warning of similar attacks that could take place this weekend.

FBI warns police departments across U.S. about possible anarchist plot to ambush cops on #Halloween.https://t.co/TwDTLcnkJs

— 99.1 WNEW (@WNEW) October 27, 2015



  1. scare tactic. tool of control. zero credible threat.

  2. First of all I live in naples just south of Fort myers. The zombicon shooting happened near the end of the event. It was a random thing......even police down here feel it's just a random event.....

  3. "scare tactic. tool of control. zero credible threat." Why? Because you say so?


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