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Monday, October 05, 2015

The Election Revolution Has Arrived

A political revolution is taking place in America. The process of selecting party presidential candidates has been transformed in the last two or three election cycles. Now we have the early debates designed to drive poll numbers and tell us who’s “ahead” and who’s “behind,” who’s “gaining” and who’s “dropping.”

But not a single vote has been taken, not a single voter has pulled a lever in a voting booth or gone to a single caucus.

And yet candidates are being winnowed out. Take, for example, Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Is he out because he couldn’t get any voters to vote for him? No, few voters have even bothered to focus on the race thus far with any intensity, much less actually vote. It’s because his debate performances proved lackluster, which sent his poll numbers down, which led to a sharp decline in his ability to raise money. He lost in a contest that was extra-electoral.

So who’s running the show?


  1. Follow the money. It will be Bush and Clinton, all the rest is selling advertising on TV for the next year.

  2. Follow the American People and moral values; it will be Carson/Trump or vice/Versa.

    God will then be able to bless America!

    Please vote wisely.

  3. Not just the presidential election all of them. Anyone who has been in any office more than two terms should be voted OUT#! Don't care if republican or democrat.


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