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Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Daily Times Proves They Are Completely Disconnected With Salisbury


  1. Being Mayor has taken a toll on Mr. Ireton.

  2. This person might not be the best candidate, but by God we need him instead of Jim Ireton.

    Jim Ireton is so cocky that he didn't even attend last nights forum. He thinks he already has Roger Mazullo beat so please help Roger with his campaign!!

  3. Roger's opponent is Jim Ireton and Jim Ireton wasn't at last nights City Council forum. As a matter of fact Jim Ireton has missed every invitation to speak except for the NAACP forum. He had to make sure that he got the black vote because he made Salisbury what it is today as 47% Minority.

  4. Joe, Jim Ireton was not at the mayor and city council forum last night. I think a story of him missing this event and others would be a great idea for us to rid ourselves of this liberal miscreant. If he gets elected to that city council seat he will miss many of the meetings and work sessions and when he is there he will be a sh!t stirrer. Let's rid ourselves of this miscreant while we can and we could use your help.

    1. Cant wait to see tbe x mayor out and about.

  5. Looks more like Tim Conway.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cant wait to see tbe x mayor out and about.

    October 22, 2015 at 9:30 AM

    Me to and when I catch him at Mojos.... Well you know the rest of the story.

  7. The DT knows that Jim's best shot at getting elected is convincing everyone he is someone else.


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